Ninjatrader email alert

Hi, Does anybody know or have a script for a ninjatrader strategy that sends an email when an E bar forms? I know it has to use sendmail function. I ve got my ninja fully configured to send me emails in case of log alerts, and it is working fine.

But i wanted a script that uses sendmail to fire email alerts when a new E was forming.

Thanks Rodrigo

technically a new e is forming everytime a new P is made the second its broken the high of the P by 1 tick so they are forming ALL the time

no alert for this at the moment - maybe in 3.1 or seomthing like that

but in reality apex is fast - you really want to be in front of the chart to trade it

Its really fast DM. The thing is that the instrument i am trading with the settings i placed has only 2 to 5 signals a day, so it would be useful to have an alert!

Thanks Rodrigo

maybe you can write a script for it or something - not sure… so your wanting when a E bar shows up to get a email alert from nt7?

I can also add this into our development line of upgrades for a future release