Would it be okay to use the Ninjatrader renko bars instead of using the Apex diagnostic bars and then just changing the brick size to the size listed on this website for the particular instrument like 6 brick size for gold, oil, EUR/USD, etc, as I have noticed that whenever I used the diagnostic bars the Ninjatrader charts always seem to load slowly but when I use the Ninjatrader renko bars they seem to load really fast so I wanted to know would this be okay to use with the Apex elite system?
If you want false bars with fake information…then it would but guessing you don’t.
The reason they are fast is they are not true tick they are snapshot.
They are not pulling the true highs and lows (notice no wicks on their bars (price happened it just isnt showing) so you would be trading on false information as there is movement happening you literally don’t see on the chart.
They do not have the median (notice the lack of open % setting) so it would not be the same.
They do not pull the true tick so you can’t use the velocity bars, timer, etc… accurately
They don’t have a correct reset setting so the bars vary constantly (ie we use certain settings for rollover on daily and weekly points to ensure the bars are consistent) they dont so the bars just start at random points - ie yesterday will look different today than it did yesterday and different tomorrow than it did the past 2 days as the bars will paint differently
note this is the short list i can go into a whole other list - on and on - bottom line they are not accurate if they where i would use them as well
Note this list of reasons and more is what separates them from any renko bars out there and is just one of the many reasons they are called diagnotic bars. I did not make them to just have a different bar i made them to fix the problems with all the other bars that i was trying and testing.
More features coming with them soon (a built in indicative filter indicator price) and color changing based on deviations.
Open your charts and change your workspaces its faster than flipping… depending on the pc power.