
I just Jinged all my Snips :wink: So hopefully this will work so you can see them.

2013-10-05_2212 - Kellie1’s library 9/16 2013-10-05_2214 - Kellie1’s library 9/17

You have a lot of triangles on valid apex entries

This is causing you to miss out on a lot of profits on all the charts of your I have reviewed so we need to find out why your avoiding those trades (repost any charts not in this post)

Please post all charts with reasons for not taking entries on triangles Please reply to this post to add more charts vs making a new one each time

Also note the bmi, choppy market warning and other 3 indices directions when you take trades. This is essential for us index trading don’t trade against the news unless you have one completed apex after the news

Post all charts in et I don’t live in et but my computer is in et as this avoids mistakes, lines up with the financial capital ny, and makes it much easier to communicate with other traders

Thanks Darrell for checking them out.

I was unclear about when the E bar is just at the BMX, or the entry hits the BMX or is in the BMX, do you still enter the trade? I had a lot of those and I didn’t take them because at that point you don’t know if its going to break the BMX or not. But if you have your order is on the other side of the BMX then its broken right.

You never know if its going to break it or not. But by not taking them on your charts you have avoided a LOT of profits.

Take the entry until you know that 2 bars after it entered the BMX zone it does not break it - then put in your stop - but just not taking it will cost you a ton of great trades.

“But if you have your order is on the other side of the BMX then its broken right.” - this is not a rule does not matter you are adding to it and hurting you …

Don’t make it harder than it is.

3 ticks below E 3 ticks above E

in direction of confirmed powerline (already plotted)

if no BMX has ALREADY formed

don’t add in the rule if a BMX may form as a BMX may always form