NT Demo Trading

I have a free account with Ninjatrader in order to use its charts with the Apex Toolkit. However, I’ve only been practice trading with a Nadex demo account. I’d also like to start practice trading with NT.

Is there a demo mode in Ninjatrader that I can use with the free account I already have? If so, how do I access the NT demo, and how do I use it? I know this is a personal preference, but which demo mode is better for use, NT or Nadex?

D58DEC53. If you are currently using the Free CQG data feed , then that is all you need to.use the NT demo account. Account is included with NT. You will be running in Sim mode. To access use Chart Trader or DOM.

When comparing NT and Nadex, they are completely different. Nadex is Indicative based for movement and Ninja id tick/pip based for movement.