Have AUD/USD data from APM.
data is off… about 30-40 pips
For example: deviation page says settlement is .9453
however NT says .9384
This goes through all my data. I am trying to follow one of the older webinars and am having trouble because my numbers are not lining up.
-6A 12-13 as my instrument.
What in the world am I doing wrong?
Gold however is showing accurate information.
.9453 is Thursday’s AUD/USD (currency pair) settlement, not 6A 12-13 (AUD/USD Futures) which is .9419.
I’m sure any webinars are using $AUDUSD, not 6A (AUD/USD Futures) price. However, some webinars demonstrate the use of currency futures VOLUME, not price, when trading currency pair volume spike reversals.
Where do you see .9384 settlement on NT?
I see. I didn’t realize there was a difference. I think I see what the problem might be now.
The .9384 is on my NT readout for 6A… so if that’s not right, I’m not really sure why.
I’ll have to take a look at the whole set up again.
thanks for the response.
Not sure what “readout” to which you refer. Perhaps you’re looking at close. Close isn’t settlement.
Correct AUD/USD spot and CME AUD/USD Futures 6A are different. Futures have the carry built into the price for the delivery day on the interest rate swap.
Either use the NT7 chart deviation indicator or scroll down to futures and you will see it. Also look at the top of the page as it states what day it is updated for. Ie if updated for friday that would be Thursday’s settlement etc…
They are updated each day at 8:15 PM ET - For Monday it is updated on Sunday at 8:15 PM ET
Monday for tuesday
Tuesday for wednesday
Wednesday for thursday
Thursday for friday/sunday
Sunday for monday

Thanks for the clarification.