NT7 Charts won't load even after a long time

My NT7 charts won’t load even after a long time. I am connected to CQG and IQFeed. I was trying to look at the GBP/JPY pair and also look at some history on the charts to get ready for next week. (Important news for AUD coming out this week) I have 2 market analyzers open (4 tick and 6 tick) but only one instrument in each.

Could one of my trial subscriptions have lapsed? Is it because its the weekend? I tried it on multiple days and have restarted the program over those days.:confused:

NT7 Charts Not Loading - stsmith927’s library

If you can’t open regular NT charts (without APEX indicators) then contact NT support. Did you restart your PC?

I opened a $GBPJPY 5 min chart without any issues.

You might try turning off the market analyzers, load your charts, then set up the analyzers again…

Got it. Thanks all. I think it was that session template 24/7 thing that Darrell warned us about MANY times to set. I just closed the chart and opened/made a new one according to the instructions. I think since the charts were linked, since I couldn’t get one, I could get the other.

Tip - you can actually edit the instrument instself in the instrument manager and set the session template to be default 24x7 then you don’t ever hve to select it again…