Just curious… how many charts do your monitor at one time? Is it better to concentrate on one chart? Multiple? is it just personal preference?
I trade Nadex US morning sessions and I always have NQ,YM, ES, and TF open at the same time. I figured it will give me more opportunities than just watching one. It seems to work for me but I wanted some feedback from fellow traders.
Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Myself, I trade Futures with 2 monitors. 3 Markets. But I have been doing this for quite some time. Number of markets is really the question. If you start with one market and get really good with it…then and only then do you add another market. And so on.
Another question is your ability to trade and understand market movement for whatever market you choose. All markets are different. Learn and understand market movement BEFORE going to a second or 3rd market. Be able to catch all available trades. Not pick and choose between 3 markets. If you mix multi markets before you are truly ready, any numbers you extrapolate will not be correct.
Trading is a process of learning and applying that knowledge. Then learn some more and apply the new knowledge. Follow the progression and learn proper techniques to trading.