P3 Signals


Bad day for me today. I thought i knew what i was doing and instead of funding a nadex account(like u advised) i funded an amp account and have been trading the apex signals with their spreads. I was up a couple hundred up until today, but lost that as well as some more. So i will now have to regroup. Ten bucks a tick is too much for me. I now understand about limiting your risk with nadex.

I am determined to learn how to be a successful trader before my retirement time in 2 years. Funding a nadex account now and am going to subscribe to the p-3 signals to try to get a better understanding working with the nadex platfrom.

Thanks for your service, im disappointed with myself on taking some dumb trades today but will regroup to be better. Its a shame i have to loose money to have a learning experience.

Best Regards,


Doing Elite Trades? or P3 trades - confused on the P3 signal title as they have nothing to do with futures contracts and NTB offers futures but not spreads? (well they have cross commodity/market/month spreads but that is totally different)