I am a new P3 user and have some very basic questions: (1) What is “EPC”? (2) When I get “Core Trades 11AM”, does this mean they expire at 11AM or I am to enter them at (after) 11AM? (3)What does the percentage at the end of a P3 mean? e.g. "Sell $43 or more USD/CAD 80% - Thanks, Mervyn
Mervyn - EPC is expiration premium collection. Check here “http://apexinvesting.net/forum/expiration-premium-collection-nadex-62/#.UqHy0KVDtEE” .
Here “http://apexinvesting.net/trade-example-steps/” is the core trade example that should answer your other questions.
Happy trading!!! Brad
Also see this page.
Apex P3 Nadex & Binary Signal Instructions | Apex Investing Institute http://apexinvesting.com/p3signalinstructions/
trades entered at 11 AM strikes are sent % is historical seasonality over last 5 years of the trade being profitable
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