PC Performance Issue

Hey all, I’m still relativity new here, and none of the catergories really sounded like it fit my question. My question, or problem, being that the more I have moved on from the training videos and actually starting messing around with charts and the nadex platform my pc has really started to lag substantially. I’m under the impression that it is mainly due to my RAM, since my internet connection is decent enough. I currently run at 4GB RAM with an upgradeable max of 8GB, and was wondering if the upgrade to 8 from 4(doable for like $50) would make a big enough difference. Or if that would be just wasting my time, and I should instead work with what I have and eventually just upgrade to a new PC entirely.

The category is Structure: Computers, Internet, Data Feeds, Platforms, Brokers etc… :slight_smile:

If your computer can only go to 8 GB then it is a very old computer and GB of RAM are not your only issue. YOu could upgrade and the RAM would help a lot. But the lag is more likely due to your processors being maxed out and it is aiting on it to catch up to all the live data that is streaming to it. YOu can buy a decent (not super but decent and super compared to what you have) computer for $300 to $500 at best buy on newegg.com etc… (not including warranties) For less than 2k you can get nice Trading PC with 5 year warranty Click here for trading computers http://apexinvesting.com/computer that will be more than enough for most traders in their first year of trading. Also built for 3 monitors. Go there CALL them mention apex and they will give you a discount off their listed prices.

Yeah, i was afraid of that, but that seems like my best options. Guess i was just deluding myself to the fact that my pc is a dinosaur Thanks Darrell.

Just remember your Elecontric trading. So you need somewhat current technology. Your not doing HFT and Quant trading so you don’t have to have a super computer but you do want a computer from the current decade :slight_smile:

Though we have a solution we will release by the end of next month for you to do all this online without having to buy a new pc.