Premium Collection with binaries, entry times!


Hey Darrell,

I would like to know when you actually get in on these types of trades, I find it very hard to find something I can sell at 25 and buy at 75 there is dirt for opportunity in most cases, I guess you can leg into these type of trades?? so far the best time have seen is entering between 6-8 pm but I really thought I would enter these setups as the trading day starts to wind down like at 2 pm but there is nothing the option chains have maybe 2 or 3 choices none worth even thinking about taking in addition if the market is already flat there is no way in hell your getting anything good the exchange has already stopped advertising any good options.

Like I said I have found some good ones like last night on the eur/jpy I found a 60 point spread when I entered around 6:30 for a 3 am exp.

Thanks, -Rich


Hi Rich,

This is the strategy forum which is buying or selling say a ITM binary.

To apply rules to it (when to get in, what he signal is, what price, etc…) would move you into the system section of the forum.

Check out this thread under systems to see how we do expiration premium collection.

You mention legging in that would be doing butterflies if you had a long and a short ITM binary.

I have many videos on this but will also be covering much of this on Monday evening in the upcoming webinar.

Regardless you need volume, expected volume, for premium collection and it even helps on butterflies. On butterflies you need expected range. If you have questions on these find the thread in system and let me know.