Profit and Loss Calculation and Demo Account

Darrell - Thanks for all the work you and your company have put into APEX and the tools for investors. It is well presented and quality info.

Question: On the Open Order screen, how is the P/L column calculated? For example, if I paid $5 for the binary and the P/L column says $10, is that really $10 dollars of profit, or is it $5 dollars of real profit ($10 - the $5 paid for the binary)?

I forgot to look at it before my demo expired.

Thanks and keep up the great work, Brad

Glad you are enjoying it!

The P/L if it says $10 then that is $10 of profit. - i.e. if i bought at $5.00 and the binary can be sold for $15 (current price) It will show $10 profit in the P/L Column

Fund a live account and email [email protected] and he will extend your demo for 1 year. (Don’t call customer service and request this as they can’t do it - just email him if you would like this)
