Question: Am I understanding this correctly?
Youtube Video : Time Stamp: 18:10
Holding to expiration
Expected Range 240 - 4 hours
Enter at 7am
Announcement at 10:30
Expiration 11:00am
He is offsetting because of: a. the way the indicators works: b. Trade parameters
- Offsetting to move forward 3 hours - 180 mins
- Why: Because it is expiring at 8 am when we need it to expire at 11 am
- moving fwd 3 hours
- Instead of starting block at midnight
- need to start at 3 am; offset
- The Indicators are being setup for an expected range during for a 4hr TF increments.
- Based on the video the Indicators begin at a midnight; starting point
- 12am -4am
- 4am-8am
- 8am-1 am
- Based on the Video the instructor is saying that it is expiring at 8am. I am assuming it is the 2nd TF of the expected range. He will offset (fwd) by 3hrs - 180 mins
instead of starting at midnight it starts at 3am: Therefore: 3am-7 am
7am-11 am
- Therefore the 2nd four hour time frame (7am-11am):
a. starts at 7 am
b. based on the video the announcement is at 10:30 am
c. Expiration 11 am
Question: Am I understanding this correctly?