Setting offset in expected range for Iron Condor

I still do not understand how to set the Offset after changing the Expected Range so it will line up with the time you are in the trade for doing an Iron Condor. Any help would be appreciated.

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Great Question! I had trouble with that as well when I first started.

The easiest way to explain it is this: you want the most recent closed expected range to end at the same time you want your new range period to begin (for the IC you are setting up). Let’s say you want to do an Iron Condor from 6 to 11 PM, you would need an expected range that spans 300 minutes. That is what you set as your range period, now you notice the current range started at 4PM and spans to 9PM and that doesn’t line up with your Iron condor. So what you do is you need to move the already closed range period over two hours by putting 120 in the offset. This will give you a range beginning at 6PM and expiring at 11PM.

If you need additional help, just reply here and I can post a screen grab showing exactly what I mean, I just can’t do it right this moment.



OK. So the offset moves the starting time back instead of ahead. Then, I guess that you can’t put in a negative number to move it in the other direction, right? Thanks.

No, it moves it forward by one hour. See Image below


Very helpful, thank you!

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