Simulation Values Question


When I put the same simulation price on the buy and sell side (to say figure out where I should put a take profit order in if I’m expecting a move of 10 ticks in my favor), the expected sell-side price at close is higher than the expected buy-side price at close.
This seems counterintuitive, so I imagine I’m missing something. [attach]181[/attach]

<img src=/uploads/db0876/1240/ce0597165d0a4a73.jpg">


I think you are confusing the PNL column with the price column.

If the market goes down then the Profit will go up on a sell and the price will go down (you would buy back at alower price than you sold)

This would be good for a sold trade

If the market goes down and you exited the price would drop on the buy side as well resulting in you selling back at a lower price resulting in a - PNL


I think I figured it out.
What was throwing me in the screencap above, with the same sell-side sim and buy-side sim values, for the >1.6750 (2PM), the simulated close price = 22.00 on the sell-side and the simulated close price = 17.00 on the buy side. So the at close the Simulated Sell Price > Simulated Buy Price, which should never be.

So, the way I’m understanding it now is the simulated close price on the “buy-side” (right) is the expected bid at close, and the simulated close price on the “sell-side” (left) is the expected ask at close. The sim is telling you what you’ll be able to sell it back for if you’re long (working on the buy/right side), and what you’ll be able to buy it back for if you’re short (working on the sell/left side).

Hopefully my confusion over this will end up helping someone else. Thanks Darrell


Correct simulated close price on a sell is the offer

Simulated close price on a buy is the bid

Looks like you got it.