Hi, I have been wanting to connect with the community about my situation with the 90- day challenge. I have an intense work schedule, but was able to create the structure I needed to keep up with the group- a little behind the group, but was catching up. I’ve only gone through section 8 once, and have been focusing on replay. I have my brokerage account set up and funded, but want to be more confident with set up 2 rules before I jump in. I have everything in place to be able to work 6 12 hour shifts a week and participate in the challenge. Now I learned, for the next 7 weeks, my schedule has changed, for the first time in 2 years, to 5 14 hour days with 1 day off in between. That makes it impossible for me to keep up with the group.I still would like to be involved, and hope to connect with the community the best I can. I haven’t signed up for a mentor group yet, because I’m not sure if being involved one day a week is enough - though the last webinar mentioned things that might suggest my limited availability is ok.
The reason I’m posting in this section is because I’ve learned the psychological aspects of trading are key. In the past I defined my goal as 5 trades a day. Because I only had 2 hours before work to trade, I would force trades to make the goal fit my schedule. One loss would be followed by revenge trading and then by regret. So when I defined my goals within the Sniper course I had to address this issue first. The goal is to trade only when the setup justifies taking a trade - not to make a certain amount of money a day, or to complete a certain amount of trades. The focus now is to master the behavior, so when I have more time I can focus on the other goals of building up to replacing my income from home. I will be posting some of my trades soon - have to leave for work now- and some other questions about charts and trading errors and successes. I’m certain I can master this, but I will have to be patient given my schedule. As I listen to the group talking about mentor groups and the March event I wanted to check in with whoever will read this to say I’m here, and very interested. My concern is if I rush to keep up with the group I will blow up my account.
So far I’m having issues with drawing flux levels, and placing the trade early enough to not miss the trade. Is it place the trade 10 ticks above or below the close of the previous bar? Not sure.
Thanks for reading this post. I hope we can stay connected as I progress at a much slower pace than what I’m hearing others progressing when I listen to the webinars. I’ll post some charts soon.