Hello everyone. I need some help please. Is there a software program for sale that will you to analyze your trades? Ie…after your data is entered it will tell you which instruments are most profitable, what times of day are most profitable, which strategy is most profitable…eft What do all of you use to keep track of and analyze your trades? Thanks John
I cannot imagine that there is software that would know all the systems and be able to critique them, so, no. An Excel spread sheet works really well to track your trades and screenshots with your trades marked up really help when reviewing later to see how you can improve.
Thank you.
The trend catcher will mark up all the trades according to the rules give you the stats show you the most profitable etc… let you look down by 30 minute block of the day to see which is most profitable. You can run any combination of settings you want and get the stats instantly.
[quote=jnoland83]Hello everyone. I need some help please. Is there a software program for sale that will you to analyze your trades? Ie…after your data is entered it will tell you which instruments are most profitable, what times of day are most profitable, which strategy is most profitable…eft What do all of you use to keep track of and analyze your trades? Thanks John[/quote]