Some charts weren't on Default 24/7. Oops


Remember in the videos when it said to always set that Default 24/7 thing? Yeah, well, I’m watching the Ninja Trader videos again and I’ve come to the realization that I wasn’t correctly setting the session template. I knew that I needed to have that. Instead, I somehow came to the false conclusion that I had already taken care of all of that when I hadn’t, so I was using the instrument settings instead.

Reviewing to double check everything can be a good thing.


Yes, it’s good to do a sanity check on your equipment every once in a while. :slight_smile:


Agreed. Also, I would like to mention a way to make it go faster, as I’m always looking for efficient shortcuts.

Basically, when you have your instrument manager open, double-click the instrument in the list to open it. Then, click the session template drop-down list. Finally press the “D” key on your keyboard twice.

This will make it a lot faster than trying to hunt though the list and find it. Video below.

Instrument Manager - Session Template