Something strange - false big price movement

Hi to everyone,

today I was demo trading on ninjatrader 7, and something strange is happend. I was short with one contract on NQ09, entry price 5960.75, target price (scalp 10 ticks) at 5958.25. Suddenly I reached my profit, but not at my target price, it was at 5927.25 (134 ticks!!!).

I made a profit of 670 $ but when I checked my chart I haven’t seen so a big price movement (see Attachements).

Has somebody ever had an experience like this one? Is it also possible during real trading or only while demo trading? And why this kind of error can happen?

I wait for your feedback.

thank you.


I’ve never seen it on the real side…but I HAVE seen it demo, chalk it up to someone playing with play money…and losing a chunk of play money that landed in your lap.

Yes, it makes sense… thank you for your replay.