Sometimes ER Room Sniper Signals don't appear on my chart


Last Wednesday, December 11, DM called out a trade at open – the first trade of the day – which was a #2, XBox with trapped orders, coming off Settlement. He called the level and added, Buy!

My Sniper chart had the trapped order but no X-Box. I run an Order Print chart alongside, and it also failed to produce an X-box on that candle. I got the same result after closing the charts & clearing the cache.

Perhaps I was looking at the wrong trade. See ss. But if not, did anyone does anyone else notice that signals called out in ER fail to appear on their chart?

Also, I sometime find discrepancies on OP & Sniper charts concerning Sniper signals even though they are setup identically on the indicators they have in common. This is not a big deal, since I take it as a signal if it appears on either chart.

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.


Thats part of electronic trading could have packet loas on your end may want to check your interet


OK, great, helps to know that.

I assume the trade in the screenshot was the one you called Wed morning and had an X-box.


Not sure what you mean i dont see a trapped xbox on the screen


You don’t see a trapped X-box because it isn’t there, which was the point of the post. YOu called an #2 trade at about that time, but I didn’t seen and #2 setup because, although there were trapped orders there was X-box . This is a screenshot of what I was seeing.

There are two possibilities 1) a data error, as you mentioned or, 2) I made a mistake and was looking at the wrong bar…

To rule out the second possibility, I asked whether someone who took the #2 around the NY Open would compare their chart with mine to see if they had an X-Box on that bar along with trapped orders.

If so, that would eliminate 2) and confirm the data error. I was interested in this added confirmation because I reloaded data, cleared the cache, etc. and still didn’t get a box


Could be as simple as a data feed packet loss so yours did not print. Happens in electronic trading. Best way to compare is look at the charts in the room at that time.