Last Wednesday, December 11, DM called out a trade at open – the first trade of the day – which was a #2, XBox with trapped orders, coming off Settlement. He called the level and added, Buy!
My Sniper chart had the trapped order but no X-Box. I run an Order Print chart alongside, and it also failed to produce an X-box on that candle. I got the same result after closing the charts & clearing the cache.
Perhaps I was looking at the wrong trade. See ss. But if not, did anyone does anyone else notice that signals called out in ER fail to appear on their chart?
Also, I sometime find discrepancies on OP & Sniper charts concerning Sniper signals even though they are setup identically on the indicators they have in common. This is not a big deal, since I take it as a signal if it appears on either chart.
Any ideas on this would be appreciated.