You really dont want to do an IC on the NQ with less than say $160 in premium ($200 is ideal). Monday morning ones are a little bit trickier because Nadex of course doesnt start offering spreads/binaries on the Indices until 3am.
Keep in mind, that your breakevens are based on if you were holding it all the way till the 4:15 expiration
If the market moves in one direction by a large margin, the losing side will lose money quicker than the winning side is making the money
I stopped doing ICs a week before the Oct FOMC meetings. Way to much volatility for my taste. Then my Mom had one of her knees replaced. So I moved back home for a bit to help her out. Even though I had more free time, because I took a couple weeks off of work as well. It had to be based on her schedule, not mine
And Apex came out with some new toys to play with, so I have been in and out of demoing directional trading with those.
Also its kinda nice only having to wait 30 mins to make 40 pips vs 10+ hours (on occasion) (also out of a losing trade quicker if it hits a stop loss)