System Won't Let Me Open NT7

When I try to open ninja trader it gets stuck on apex elite validation and it just goes in circles and does not open.

A few quick things

Make sure you do not have data feeds to connect on startup

Always connect to CQG First - once connected the manually connect to other feeds (ie IQfeed)

#1 reason this happens is there is a workspace saved where a chart or dom or analyzer has an expired future - ie CL 11-13 etc…

To resolve this follow two steps

  1. Go to mydocuments/ninjatrader/workspaces and delete the _Workspaces file may also say _workspaces.xml
  2. Reboot nt7
  3. go to tools data connections - edit any connections - remove the connect on startup box that is checked
  4. close and restart nt7 your workspaces etc… should load
  5. remove any expired futures contracts and save the workspace

Note I also close all workspaces when i close NT7. So if something rolls over etc… I don’t have the issue. Not required - but a tip.

Going forward you should be good -

Please let me know if you need any additional assistance beyond this under questions - help desk in the top menu.


This is awesome Darrell, helped me too. 8^) Josh