Top Trading Movies: What Are Your 3 Favorites?

Inside Job (2010) Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (2005) Wall Street I & II (1987 & 2010) Barbarians at the Gate (1993) Working Girl (1986) Boiler Room (2000) Margin Call (2011) Rogue Trader (1999) Too Big to Fail (2011) Trading Places (1983) “The Pursuit of Happyness” (2006) “Other People’s Money” (1991) “Trader” (1987) Quicksilver (1986) The Color of Money (1986) Limitless (I) (2011) Stocks and Blondes (1984) The House of Rothschild (1934) American Psycho 2000 The Last Days of Lehman Brothers 2009 The Bank 2001 Trillion Dollar Bet TV seris 2000 Bull TV Series 2000 Limit Up 1989 Capital City 1989 Pit: the Movie 2011 Open Outcry 2001 Movie Open Outcry 2001 (2008 TV Series) Wall Street Warriors TV Series2006 Wolves of WallStreet (2002) Life On The Line 2013 Anthony Curtis’ Las Vegas Advisor

Ghost Exchange: Ghost Exchange | The Official Movie Page

Wall Street 1 and 2, and the pursuit of happyness.

Just three? Wall Street I (2 was ok, but not great), Margin Call (Wow), Limitless (One of my very favorite movie quotes “Suddenly, math became useful…”)

Ones that could replace two and three without much problem… Trading Places and The Pursuit of Happyness.

Ok, and one very cheesy one that was left off the list (probably not a “Top Trading Movie”, but none the less…), “Wolves of Wallstreet”

Nice! We have added Wolves Of Wall Street to the list…

[quote=gcnish]Just three? Wall Street I (2 was ok, but not great), Margin Call (Wow), Limitless (One of my very favorite movie quotes “Suddenly, math became useful…”)

Ones that could replace two and three without much problem… Trading Places and The Pursuit of Happyness.

Ok, and one very cheesy one that was left off the list (probably not a “Top Trading Movie”, but none the less…), “Wolves of Wallstreet”[/quote]

Atlas Shurgged 1&2

Love those movies - can’t wait for #3

I Think we could add The Wolf of Wall Street (2013) - IMDb

to this list

I am going to watch it this weekend. Looks like a good one.

Wall Street I Margin Call Trading Places

Margin call is a freaky one it wakes you up to keeping that risk in check :slight_smile:

Trader with Paul Tudor Jones is a fun one as well!

Traders: Millions by the Minute

Three more to add, maybe not specifically about trading, but trading as a theme :
The Big Short
Money Monster

Got to add Billions to this list