Trading 20-minute binaries

Do you find the Nadex 5-min expirations are moving a bit too fast for you? The 20-minute expirations may be a great alternative. They still move rather quickly but not quite as fast. At this time, the markets that have 20-minute expirations are the US indicies (YM, TF, NQ, ES) Mon-Fri from 9:40 to 4 pm.

I have traded them quite a bit and had good success with the profit popper system and the Trend Catcher system. For either of these systems, I use 6 tick diagnostic bars with 20-minute ranges. (Elite Access need to do profit poppers and Trend Catcher on 20 minute binaries)

If you go through the 5-min Trend catcher course and change the brick size to 6 and ranges (both high-to-low and close-to-close) to 20 minutes, you can use the same system, just apply it to the 20-minute expirations. It has worked very well for me. Before the trend catcher came out, I was doing a profit popper system, and it worked quite well for me in the 20-minute expirations with the above settings. You can use the template BinaryTC3tick and change the brick size and ranges as indicated above to 6