I work 12 hour rotating shifts 4 on 4 off. It is really hard to trade while I’m working. I have tried trading for about an hour after work in the mornings (8am - 9am CDT) and evenings (8pm - 9pm CDT). I really don’t have the time to spend while I’m working. If I have time, I can look at charts at work, but only on the night shift, as dayshifts are just too busy.
I have plenty of time to trading while I’m off during the week. I currently off weekends which does not help.
I currently have a live account with FXCM. I would like stay with them for now. I like trading FOREX, but what to learn futures as well.
Should I just be patient and trade when I can or should I work with market replay to learn as fast as possible?
I have watched all the videos and read pretty much all the forums over the last 3 weeks. I think the APEX Elite system is best for me right now. I just want to learn one system at a time. I currently have the have the trial for Elite and I will subscribe to the pay service one the trial is over.
My goals are to first learn the Elite system, learn to trade well, and then replace my current income with trading to get off the 12 hour shifts.
Chris R.
Hi Chris,
I love the Apex system. When you have night shifts and can monitor the position.
Apex Momentum scalpers, 4 minute bars on apex entries and add ons, and keep an eye on the diagnostic bars still for apex mvp reversals. (During asian sessio) though it picks up a lot during EU session - usually starting around 2-4 AM)
If you want to know you are in and out of a trade in less than an hour then boomerang with binaries on fx may be the best way to go for you.
Hey Chris,
There is hope now with MVP and Boomerang. A few months ago neither existed and I was wallowing away at night, not finding much to do with APEX, as Darrell said. Since MVP and Boomer have come along, there are more than enough trades being triggered at night(with amazing Take Profit rates). I have been demoing and trading MVP and Boomer(more MVP) over the last 2 - 3 weeks and can honestly say that the TP rate is north of 80%. My personal goal is to use these evening strategies until I can build an account big enough to trade the APEX Elite/MVP during normal trading hours. I know it will take patience and time, but Darrell has given us the tools to finally be able to get a good start at night.
Good luck,
Thanks for the advise John and Darrell.
I have always been a quick learner. I think I can learn the MVP and Boomerang system. I have just kind of brushed over those systems last couple weeks. They look very easy to learn just like APEX.
I guess I’m just a victim of my own bad timing being in my weekdays work rotation. By early to mid May, my work rotation will move around to working weekends and have weekdays off, and then I can really work the APEX system.