I know you mentioned wanting time to develop a journal layout/ spreadsheet for us. (for NADEX)
But I did see one of the members that posted to the forum had one. But now I can’t find it. I just don’t know excel at all (another thing I need to add to my endless list of things to learn).
I would be totally happy with that spread sheet you use on your webpage displaying the P3 signals historical breakdown. Is that available to disseminate? Especially if the formulas were all protected and I couldn’t mistakenly delete or corrupt the spreadsheet, it would be so valuable.
Just a quick question, how do you get the date to work in that file? I’m using OpenOffice Calc, not sure if that’s the issue. No date is autopopulating and I’m not sure how/where to enter it with this formula in the date cell =IF(E2>0;TODAY();" ") Any help would be appreciated, as this definitely looks like a great way to keep track of trades.
ffpm03 - the date will auto populate once quantity of the contracts field (Column E) is inputed, or you can input the date manually…I’m just lazy
It was written in Excel but should work in OpenOffice as I made it the old XLS format.
I’ve been working on this a little and have a new release, maybe I can get DM to post it.
Thanks pavitos! I’d sure appreciate the new release. I’ve been using this one. I imported it into my regular journal program that has all the bells and whistles like plotting equity curves and such but it doesn’t have binary options so your sheet was a nice addition. Thanks again…
No problem just submit it in the help desk with the upload feature and I will host the file for download
If you have any issues let me know in help desk.
[quote=pavitos]ffpm03 - the date will auto populate once quantity of the contracts field (Column E) is inputed, or you can input the date manually…I’m just lazy
It was written in Excel but should work in OpenOffice as I made it the old XLS format.
I’ve been working on this a little and have a new release, maybe I can get DM to post it.[/quote]
the journal has a little bug on the calculation when contracts expire OTM Nadex is not charging the fees for that side… and on the Excel is taking the fees when that hapens.