Trading Nadex Spreads Into The News: Canadian Gross Domestic Product


By Darrell Martin

A Canadian News report with a high level of importance is being released at 8:30 AM ET on Tuesday, December 23, 2014. A high level means that it will probably have some impact on your trading day if you are trading any instrument associated with Canada.

This report is issued each month by the Canadian Government and is the primary indicator of the economy’s health. It measures economic activity. It also shows the change in the value of all goods and services produced by the economy.

If the report comes out with a higher than expected reading, it should be regarded as positive or bullish for the CAD side of your trade. If it is lower, then it should be thought of as negative or bearish for the CAD. Last month’s reading came in at 0.4 percent. The forecast for this month is 0.1 percent.

The ideal trade for this news report might be an Iron Condor using Nadex Spreads on the USD/CAD entering as early as 8:00 AM.

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