Trading Spreads & Clarification On Breakeven Distance

Hello Darrell. I just want to make sure I understand the concept of breakeven distance. Following are my notes from one of your videos:

  1. For buy calculate the BE distance by taking the underlying last market price minus the spread sell price. QUESTIONS: A) I’m assuming that you take the last market price from your trading platform and not the underlying indicative price in the order ticket? B) When you say sell price are you referring to the bid price in the order ticket?

  2. For sell calculate the BE distance by taking the spread buy price minus the underlying last market price. QUESTIONS: A) Same question as above. B) Is the buy price the offer price in the order ticket?

I thought that once the underlying was trading above the floor if buying or below the ceiling if selling…that the breakeven distance was simply the difference between the bid and ask spread. Am I wrong? If so, please explain.

Finally, I am wondering what my minimum computer requirements must be to use the spread scanner. I have tried running it on a couple of occasions and my computer locks up. Thanks for everything.

2gb of ram and using google chrome browser are what is recommended

For Nadex spreads: Breakeven for entry/exit before expiration is simply the bid/ask spread once between floor ceiling though this is for the spread itself

What I am referring to is how far the underlying must move as of expiratiom for the spread to be breakeven

The bid on sell or buy on ask is not really that substantial as at settlement you don’t exit at bid/ask you exit at the underlying settlement

The difference between underlying and ask for buy

The difference between underlying and bid for sell