Unable to set limit orders above and below market simultaneously?

If you are using ChartTrader in NinjaTrader, trading futures or forex and unable to set a limit order above and below the market simultaneously, then this is what you need to do:

Lets say you have identified and area of chop or consolidation and you are expecting a breakout and you would like to set a buy stop limit above the market and a sell stop limit below the market at the same time.

If you don’t have the proper ChartTrader setting, you won’t be able to do it, you will get an error message like this:

For example you want to be ready for a breakout of this chop zone:

All you have to do is right click on your ChartTrader to bring up “ChartTrader Properties” and set your “ATM Strategy selection mode” to this: “KeepSelectedAtmStrategyTemplateOnOrderSubmission”

Happy Trading!




You are the man! Thanks! :+1:


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