Undefined Risks Leverage Versus Defined Risk Leverage


By Darrell Martin

Leverage increases your ability to make or lose money. But how can you use that to your advantage when trading? When you trade with Nadex Binary Options or Spreads, you are using Defined Risk which is a way to use leverage to your advantage.

The following short 7-minute video explains defined and undefined risk leverage. It also talks about margin calls and how they can be avoided when you trade using Nadex Spreads.

To learn more go to www.apexinvesting.com. Apex Investing Institute offers free education, and free access to the Nadex Binary and Spread Scanner Analyzers. Member traders are invited to trade in the chat rooms, take advantage of trade signal services, have key indicators and access the Apex Forum. The forum content is updated daily and includes over 8000 members. In a supportive learning community of seasoned as well as up and coming traders, traders of all levels learn how to trade Nadex binaries and spreads in depth, as well as futures, forex, stock and options, and gain an edge for successful trading overall.