My apex templates aren’t showing up in Ninja Trader software. When installing Apex, it said it was a successful install. Within Apex, software, I even cleared out ninja trader cache hoping that would do it. NO Change. The templates are the ones that come with Ninja Trader program. What to do?
It looks to me, that the template names are APEX but don’t say APEX in their titles like it shows in the tutorial videos. I went ahead and I picked out momentum scalper from the templates and it says the word APEX Diagnostic MVP. I’m getting an error message however in chart saying the following: "Failed to validate Feature “APEX Diagnostic MVP”. I hit F5, but nothing happened to clear the error. What to do? Any help sure would be appreciated. Thanks.
All of our templates begin with an underscore.
In regards to that feature failing to validate, I checked your account and you registered for the Essentials package. This does not include MVP, and is exclusively for trading on Nadex. If you would like to trade futures or have access to that indicator, you will need to contact the help desk, under category “Billing Questions” and have them switch out your membership for the Elite package. The home page “” accurately displays what is contained within each package.
In the future, please use the Help desk “” to submit issues and we’ll take care of you right away. Our help desk does not monitor the forum posts; it was someone in the community that pointed your issue out to me so that I was able to assist you.
If you have signed up because you want to use our Trend Catcher for the 5 minute binaries, then you have the correct package. Ensure that you’ve set up your instruments in the instrument manager to display in your default list and that you’ve set them to all use the “Default 24/7” session template. The Chart template that you want to load is now named “_BinaryTC3tick”
I do apologize for taking up space here being a newbie. There is no need to respond to my postings here. I have found in later video tutorials what to do with templates and indicators. i’m good and everything is working. Thanks.
Thank you Austiclees… for your assistance. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day.