Using CQG Free feed for TF/Rest on IQfeed

I currently do not subscribe to realtime feed for TF (ICE) on iqfeed. I subscribe to all other futures feed on iqfeed. Is it possible that I can use CQG free feed just for TF and other futures feed through Iqfeed (since it is quite fast). I might add TF later on but since I am under testing mode at present, I just wanted to try it out first.

Please advise. Bharat

No this is not possible.

Not sure why you are paying for all that futures data (especially in testing mode) on IQ feed when you can get it free. ie via CQG? and then connect to IQ feed for everything else?

Ninja will take a data type class from 1 feed only

ie cqg connect first - it will take futures…

then connect to iq feed anything but futures will feed

but it wont feed both IQ feed and CQG futures at once

but not sure why this would be an issue as you should have most futures anyway through the CQG feed?

Thanks Darrell.

I had the iqfeed before I came to know about CQG feed. I read in some of your notes that iqfeed is quite fast as compared to others. Will CQG free feed provide the same experience?

Regards Bharat

Yes CQG is lightening fast

Thanks Darrell.