Volume Webinars & Lessons


The below videos all have to do with volume analysis

Using Volume to Plot Magnet Levels

Expected Volume Indicator Download

Expected Volume Indicator (Note for spot forex trading this indicator has now been updated to use futures forex volume on all combinations of AUD/USD/JPY/EUR/GBP/CHF/CAD/NZD)


Expected Movement and Volume on Any Market


Momentum Scalp Trades Entries and Exits (See System Section for Questions on Execution) for questions on analysis ask here.


Momentum Scalp Trade Tricks and Tips When Using Binaries


Momentum Scalp Trade Profit Examples


Magnet Price Walk Through For Analyzing Volume For Targeting Price Levels When Trading Anything - but specifically i focus on Nadex Spreads this is probably the best walk through video I have on this…

Some tips be aware that when something it as a magnet price it can oscillate there for hours before moving more than 10 or 15 ticks sometimes even just staying in a 5 tick range. So keep that in mind when choosing your spread expiration if you get an entry at a magnet price level on whatever trading system your using.


Magnet Price Walkthrough For Analyzing Volume For Target Price Levels When Trading Nadex binaries - builds on previous video

Some tips be aware that when something it as a magnet price it can oscillate there for hours before moving more than 10 or 15 ticks sometimes even just staying in a 5 tick range. So keep that in mind when choosing your binary expiration if you get an entry at a magnet price level on whatever trading system your using.

Also this may be an ideal time to butterfly - ie when a magnet price level is reached or even a P2 trade entry. Also may be a bad time to do a strangle or a OTM binary if your at a magnet price level due the market sitting at these areas.


Live Application of The Above

Walkthrough Of Magnet Price Trading

Review of a LIVE 5k+ Profit Gold Magnet Spike (With Apex Elite MVP confirmation) trade


[quote=darrell]Momentum Scalp Trade Tricks and Tips When Using Binaries


If I were to want to do this with Binaries on ES (or any other instrument that ticks in anything other than “1”), would I then need to enter “40” in the scanner simulator (ie. ES ticks in quarters, Nadex ticks in 1, Diag Bar for ES is 10 ticks…10 ES ticks, which would = 40 Nadex ticks. Correct or incorrect?


[quote=darrell]Magnet Price Walk Through For Analyzing Volume For Targeting Price Levels When Trading Anything - but specifically i focus on Nadex Spreads this is probably the best walk through video I have on this…

Some tips be aware that when something it as a magnet price it can oscillate there for hours before moving more than 10 or 15 ticks sometimes even just staying in a 5 tick range. So keep that in mind when choosing your spread expiration if you get an entry at a magnet price level on whatever trading system your using.[/quote]

Are magnet prices equally important in FX? (Seems like FX trades in a narrower range than other instruments.)


In these vids, you use just plain Volume to do Volume Analysis/Magnet Prices. There, you’d draw a line in the sand to establish what a high volume bar was. The template in the current toolkit, however, uses the Expected Volume indicator.

If using that, would we look for exceeding volume only? This would filter out less-than exceeding market opens (which under the plain Volume scenario could/would have still ended up as magnet prices, and also open up the possibility of intra-day exceeding volume bars to “qualify” as magnet prices … even though they may be significantly lower volume than the opens, etc.

So my question is: which is better for truly establishing magnet prices: high-volume bars, regardless of expectation; or exceeding volume bars, regardless of actual volume? Or some sort of a blend?


Expected volume is for that specific time frame (ie that hour that 4 minutes etc…) Expected volume has nothing to do with magnet prices.

A magnet volume bar is a high volume bar (ie top 5% etc…) of volume bars over x days etc…

I doubt you would have many if any high magnet bars that did not exceed volume

Magnet bars are often bars from days or even weeks even months back.
You don’t want a lot of them or it wont work you need accurate high volume price action where the market stopped to move. The intraday concept is not one i have tested as they get broken al the time intraday. Its worth watching but i would not make it a magnet price.

You mixing the two concepts

Magnet bars are high volume bars that the price ahs not retraced back to or at least broken through with high volume

Expected volume is confirmation of more than normal volume for confirmation of direction or expectation of reversal ie in p1 p2 or p3 trades etc…

Just use the magnet price template - and pay attention to the blue actual volume bars on the indicator and make sure its set to 10 min


Yes they are equally important. FX has ranged some lately (between the magnets). It is generally more trending than indices and other commodities.


[quote=darrell]Expected volume is for that specific time frame (ie that hour that 4 minutes etc…) Expected volume has nothing to do with magnet prices.

A magnet volume bar is a high volume bar (ie top 5% etc…) of volume bars over x days etc…

I doubt you would have many if any high magnet bars that did not exceed volume

Magnet bars are often bars from days or even weeks even months back.
You don’t want a lot of them or it wont work you need accurate high volume price action where the market stopped to move. The intraday concept is not one i have tested as they get broken al the time intraday. Its worth watching but i would not make it a magnet price.

You mixing the two concepts

Magnet bars are high volume bars that the price ahs not retraced back to or at least broken through with high volume

Expected volume is confirmation of more than normal volume for confirmation of direction or expectation of reversal ie in p1 p2 or p3 trades etc…

Just use the magnet price template - and pay attention to the blue actual volume bars on the indicator and make sure its set to 10 min[/quote]

The “MagnetPricing 10 Min OHLC” Template in the current toolkit uses Expected Volume. That’s why I was asking. It seemed weird to me. I remember previous versions of the toolkit/template having standard.


Ah I see. Yes I put it on there just to see the expectation.


How do you know when to start taking Magnet prices that you have off of the screen? When they don’t work for a given period of time? When they are a month old? I know that they have to come off after some period, because the screen will become too crowded at some point. At the moment, I have eight magnet prices on the screen for TF on a 14 tick chart, Is this too many? I was using 8000 on volume, the highest I have seen it go on 10 minute bars is about 10,000.


If they have not been hit they are still valid 1 month or 1 year old

if they have been hit i change their color

if they have been broken with volume (a new magnet) then the new magnet replaces the old

you say 8 but i dont know how many you have that hvae not been hit and how many than have been hit

if they are to close (ie say 10 ticks i guess could be a way to do it) then get rid fo the older one that is further away

its to many if you cant tell what is what


[quote=darrell]If they have not been hit they are still valid 1 month or 1 year old

if they have been hit i change their color

if they have been broken with volume (a new magnet) then the new magnet replaces the old

you say 8 but i dont know how many you have that hvae not been hit and how many than have been hit

if they are to close (ie say 10 ticks i guess could be a way to do it) then get rid fo the older one that is further away

its to many if you cant tell what is what[/quote]

“if they have been broken with volume (a new magnet) then the new magnet replaces the old”

As a loose definition of “been broken with volume” would you say the volume on the bar that breaks the magnet would have to be above the level marker you set to mark of the ‘high volume’ bars? i.e. as your filter, you’re marking the high/low of bars which have volume of 6,000 or more. A magnet price level gets broken on volume of 7,800. The new bar with 7,800 for volume gets marked as a new magnet and the one it broke gets removed?

I might be just repeating back what you just explained, just want to make sure I’m understanding it correctly.

Also, once a magnet’s been hit, does this influence how they should be perceived(i.e. “that level is ‘solid’ since price was rejected there” etc.)? Or is it just information you carry forward and see how price acts at/around the magnet until (if/when) it gets broken?



Is there a basic standard list for picking magnets volume levels such as you have for brick size on Apex bars. It seems subjective from one person to the next and was thinking that maybe there could be a consensus level for each instrument.

Such as ES - 80,000 YM - 6000 E/U - 7000 U/J - 5000 GC - 7000 CL - 5000

Just an idea that would be something to start with. I know some pick maybe 2 or 3 levels and make those magnets different colors. Just a basic level to start with and if people want to tweak it to there style they could but there would be a base that all could use.