That usually means that something amiss with Data feed. Apex indicators require live Spot Forex data to work. Do you have 6B-GBP loaded as a instrument in Ninja Traders. How about 6J for JPY… you will not get correct readings from your Apex Indicators without those loaded in Ninja Trader Control Center. FYI- the 6’s need to be rolled just like US Indices, CL, GC and others. Forex pairs do not require to be rolled for current contracts.
I am a newbie and not quite sure what you mean is there a video that can help me understand this better?
OK, To run that chart you need a Forex account and Data feed. To get the Apex indicators to work you need LIve Sport Forex Data-such as comes from CQG Data provider.(Ninja) That is the reason why you must connect to CQG before you connect to you Forex Provider-such as FXCM. Forex Pairs do not need to be undated-but Spot Forex do. when using CQG Data from Ninja. So to get correct data have the Fores Pairs loaded in Ninja Control Center as a Instrument. This is where the 6’s come in. OK? Here is jing pic of process to verify the 6’s.
Thanks for your help I understand how to set it up from your pic but I was interested in trading forex pairs maybe there is something that I am missing.
Ok went over everything again and now I understand thanks so very much for the help.