When are Brick Walls Strong, Weak, Broken

A Brick Wall is two clusters and a mini magnet OR two mini magnets and a cluster, all on the same price level.

A few questions:

  1. What makes a weak Brick Wall vs a strong Brick Wall?

  2. The training says that Brick Walls remain in effect until the price no longer reacts to the level. Are there any advanced signs that a Brick Wall will be broken?

  3. What are the best Brick Wall trade strategies for Nadex traders?

  1. Basically how much price reacts to that level. A weak wall might be one with only the minimum mm/cluster requirement, and price reverses off of it maybe once or twice. A strong wall might be one where there is always a strong reaction when price gets near it, and more “bricks” keep getting added to it (i.e. more clusters and mm’s get created when price returns to that level)

  2. There is no way to know in advance when a price level should no longer be considered a wall. (Keep in mind though that just because price breaks through a wall level, this does not mean it is no longer considered a wall.)

  3. Power Trading with "Walls"