When i open my ticket through the scanner i have to scroll down to click place order


This just started, how do i fix it?


Please go to question help desk and submit a ticket.


Okay, but if i figure it out i’m still going to post how i fixed it here so other people may know if it happens to them before submitting a help desk ticket.


Its a chrome nadex ticket limitation. We are making a program to deal with it and have resolved it in the new scanner. Hopefully it will be out in about 2 weeks just tidying up final pieces.


Thank you.


thanks darrell, 1 week to go? ;o)


I hope so. Its looking good. We have the new plugin working. Testing it. Making sure a couple other features work and a cople things to put in and its good to go…for release :slight_smile:


I saw the recent notice to update the chrome extensions and did so, then cleared the cache in chrome. The first ticket I opened had no scroll bars, but since then it’s the same issue: scroll bars on nadex tickets launched from the scanners. Any suggestions?.. thanks.


Peter are you using the new scanner or the old one. The New scanner is the one with the updated plugin that does not need the ticket to be adjusted.


The new scanner did fix this for me :smile:


Right, I’ve moved to the new scanner now and it’s working fine. Thanks to the team for their hard work on the new scanners. Very nice… :grinning: