Why are trade desk "short"/ "rude"


First thing to remember on Futures its the big boys and girls club. Sometimes what seems rude is there for efficiency. And well its futures its the PITS so roll up your sleeves, get sweaty, and get ready for combat.

Its been a long time since my first WTF call to a trade desk

And i had the exact same impression. They are so RUDE

I soon learned that a trade desk is supposed to be quick and well they all work the same way when it comes to futures. I then found there is a reason for it…

As someone is waiting on you so they can say “my computer just crashed my internet is down please flatten me now”

So they will basically handle the basics will be very short with you expect you to know account number and if you talk about more are going to push you off to support

As well if you where the person waiting on someone else so you could go flat on your 50 gold futures and your computer just crashed you would want them to be short with that guy and get him on to support if needed

Not saying its nice or friendly or completely “right” but it is like that for a reason and all trade desk for LIVE trades work the same way as they have to go go go go go for the benefit of a trader who wants to confirm a trade exit a trade go flat

So to review it and make sure you got it down.

The trade desk is not there for tech support. They have to be very short as they have to take every caller as this involves live trades.

The trade desk is for confirming a order, going flat, balance, or placing one if needed. They can not diagnose order issues. Entry exit yes no next call.

Trader “My name is ______ account number ____ Do this on a trade (ie computer crashed)” Trade Desk "Confirming you want xyz closed at market or you want all positions flatted on account xyz123 Trader “Yes” Trade Desk “Complete” Trade Desk “Anything Else (TRADE ENTER EXIT RELATED)” Trader “Support question please transfer me…” Trade Desk “Transfered” (onto next trader)

So it has to be open this is how a trade desk works

From what i understand - once it was understood it was a support issue you where transferred to Justin/support he was on your pc and spend 10+ minutes cleaning it up repaired database, repaired instruments and got it straight.

Futures trading tip. If you don’t want a market order which means whatever happens happen - then use limit order to avoid any odd issues.

1-800-560-1640 " x 1 Support (This is for important, help, support) x 2 Trade Desk (never call trade desk about a demo account - this is for live liquidation etc… INSANE URGENT) x 3 New Account Questions After Application x 4 Funding - also to reach Justin - but he is on the phone all day so I highly recommend email or Skype
