Windows 8

Has anyone upgraded to Windows 8? Have you noticed any issues trading? I have 16G RAM so I don’t think it should be a problem just wondering if anyone had first hand experience with it and trading…

Thanks, Brad

Hey Brad, Just got new computer with windows 8 on it. Getting used to it was tuff as Microsoft changed the entire layout. I am getting used to it now. As far an Ninja Trader I only had one issue, that my fcxm feed would not work, had to install an older Version of ninjatrader. Hope this helps, the biggest obstacle I had as mentioned is getting used to the new design much different then 7 and XP.

David - thanks for the info. Hopefully, I won’t need more than a weekend to get used to the layout…


Good tip, you will use the windows key next to the alt bottom to toggle to the desktop and the app list. Have a good night.

I’ve had windows 8 for a few months with half the ram you have, and things work just fine. One issue I would bring up, and I don’t know whether or not this is common, is updates combined with the fast start/shutdown feature. Not too long after getting my computer I found that it started to run rather slow. After not working itself out I learned that sometimes the quick start thing can sometimes interfere with proper installation of updates. Hitting restart allows the computer to go through a normal shutdown and lets the updates do their thing.

I only had this issue once, but it might be good to know regardless.

Is it possible to have the Apex scanner and Ninjatrader charts open on the same screen at the same time in Windows 8?