Grim's BF Daily Trades and Setups

Hello everyone, My name is Grimnokk. It was requested that I make a post here in the forums to outline my daily BF’s that I set up. So here goes that post as requested.

First I would like to tell you a little about myself. I have been a paying member of Apex since October of 2014. I have demo’d since the beginning and went live with my account in the middle of January. During my demo time I played with a lot of different systems. And what I learned from that experience is that you really do need to focus on one system and get that down. Then when you have that system down, demo another system until you can add that one to your toolbox.

While demoing all these different systems, I stumbled on to the concept of Butterflies. And they really appealed to me. They fit my trading style, my time that I had available, they just clicked for me. So I really buckled down and started studying them. Looking at different time frames, different instruments. I started pulling all kinds of data for these and analyzing these.

Starting in November of 2014 I started a trading log and kept track of all my trades. I not only kept track of wins and losses but I kept a screen shot of all the trades, what they looked like when they opened and what the results were when they finished. I would also add notes to all the screen shots about what I was thinking and what I saw and what made me take that trade. I can NOT stress this enough, that was probably one of the best things to learn from.

Get in the habit of doing this. Go back and review your trades. See what worked and what didn’t. Also don’t be afraid to hop in the pit and ask questions. Post charts. Get feedback. There are so many wonderful people here that are willing to help. Use that tool.

Ok. So let’s get down to business. I know you all are ready to see some charts and some more stats, but there are a few things that I want to cover first. I am including some questions that I have been asked and some that I have not been asked but that I think are important. I will try and edit these questions as time moves forward to keep it up to date in the first post if there are more questions that I missed that get asked later.

What is a Butterfly? A butterfly, or Iron Butterfly (BF or IBF for short), is a risk reduction strategy. It is where you sell an upper wing and buy a lower wing. This is not a get rich quickly strategy, but really are any of them if done correctly. But this is a risk reduction. By having an upper wing and a lower wing, one side is always protecting the other. Because price of the underlying can not expire above and below the two wings at the same time, one side will always profit.

What if there are no contracts available at the time of analysis? Well this is purely up to the trader to decide what to do. But my personal opinion is that you skip the trade and move on. You get to keep your capital to trade another day with. No biggie. There will be more setups.

Can I leg into a trade? Absolutely you can. You are the trader and can make whatever decision that you like. However my opinion is why would I want to? Do you honestly think that if the pair that you are thinking about legging into makes a large move to be able for you to leg in, that the price is going to stop and say “Hey I just filled this order, I’ll turn around now”? Now that’s not to say that I have never legged into a trade, but I want both wings on with in about 10 minutes of each other.

Can I take a one wing trade? Again, absolutely you can. You are the trader and make your own decision. But again why would you want to? This then defeats the purpose of the BF. Remember it is a risk reduction strategy. If you only have on one side of the BF, how are you reducing your risk? You’re not. You are taking a directional trade and are no longer trading a BF.

What about stops? I am just going to say that you should use them. Period, the end, do not pass go. One loss with no stop on is going to take you awhile to recover from. Remember reduce your risk, don’t increase it.

What time frame do you take these trades? The time frame that I use for these trades is 1pm to 11pm Est. I typically start looking at my chart around 12:30 and start getting things set up. WARNING: This time frame crosses the dead zone of Nadex. So if you trade spikes your stops are going to do nothing for you. So from 5pm to 6pm Est you can do nothing with your trades. This is a risk that you have to be willing to take if you are going to trade this time frame.

Can you use a different time frame? Absolutely. But you need to DEMO, DEMO, DEMO that new time frame. Make sure you know what to expect from the pair during whatever time frame you decide upon.

Ok, now we can get to why you really came here.

Trade setups for today 02/17/15.


As you can see in the screen shot, it was a rather small expected move about a 40 point range. This is great, that is what I look for. However where the problem comes in is look at that strikes. The only ones available at that time that were even remotely possible were .7440 and .7420. That is a 20 point spread. That barely covers the close to close range. The strikes I would have liked to have, the ones selected in yellow, are not even printing a price. No thanks I’ll skip this one and move on to the next pair.


A 80 point move expected here. This isn’t horrible, but it’s not great either. But in looking at the strike available at the time, you could have gotten 1.5380 and 1.5340. The prices were about right for these, however you are only covering 40 points of that 80 point expected move. Strikes I would have liked to have gotten, the 1.5320 might have been able to leg into, but the 1.5400 there was no way I was willing to take a leg in for that one. Still way out there as far as price is concerned. No thanks, I’ll move on.


Another 80 point expected move here. Again not horrible, but not great either. This one is a bit different than before. I would be looking for the .9380, which you might have been able to leg into @ 22, but there was no way I was getting that lower strike of .9300. This pair has no setup either. No thanks, I’ll move on.

So what did we learn today? It’s ok to not take a trade. I would much rather keep my capital to trade another day than chase a trade and give that capital to the MM’s.

Hope this has helped some. I will try and continue to update this post with more trades as I take them.

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Excellent Post Grim! I look forward to your daily updates.


Ok trade setups for 2/18/15


I’ll let the picture speak for itself here.


Here is what I was looking at at time of analysis.

And the trade result…

This trade was a close one. It spiked during the FOMC release and then settled back down inside the range. However it skirted the upper wing for most of this trade. But it was a successful trade. NOTE:This trade took place during the FOMC release. Because I knew this going in, I made the decision to not put any stops on until after 3pm. This is risky. This was my personal choice. If you are not comfortable with possibly taking a full loss on one side or the other of the BF, then DO NOT do this. About 3:15 I placed my stops on the the wings and left trade to run to expiry.


Here is what I was looking at at time of analysis.

And the trade result…

This trade was a close one. It spiked during the FOMC release. However it skirted the lower wing for most of this trade. But it was a successful trade. NOTE:This trade took place during the FOMC release. Because I knew this going in, I made the decision to not put any stops on until after 3pm. This is risky. This was my personal choice. If you are not comfortable with possibly taking a full loss on one side or the other of the BF, then DO NOT do this. About 3:15 I placed my stops on the the wings and left trade to run to expiry.

Overall both trades were successful and we got some of the MM’s money today.

Hope this helps.

OK. Here is my analysis for today. There were no trades taken today. Again I would rather keep my capital and trade another day, rather than give it back to the MM’s. Plus I have also noticed, or at least what seems like, on holiday weeks trading seems to be slow. So hopefully next week it will pick back up. Also there will be no trades tomorrow as the time frame i use is not available.




Have a great weekend all!!

With Grimnokk’s assistance here, I was able to set up my first (demo) IBF last night. Not to bad, had a risk of 169.25 + fees, and both sides closed ITM for a settlement of $200. This works ! Now, I need to do that every day with 100 contracts in live ;)! (oh yeah, ideally I would have had a bit better spread, but it was an educational trade.

[quote=looyvillelarry]With Grimnokk’s assistance here, I was able to set up my first (demo) IBF last night. Not to bad, had a risk of 105.55, and both sides closed ITM for a settlement of $200. This works ! Now, I need to do that every day with 100 contracts in live ;)! (oh yeah, ideally I would have had a bit better spread, but it was an educational trade. [/quote]


I went back and looked at your chart that you posted last night. You actually had more than 105.55 in risk. You bought the UsdJpy >118.30 @ 86.50 and sold the UsdJpy >119.20 @ 17.25. So you have to remember that on the buy side, what you bought for is your risk. On the sell side, 100 - what you sold for is the risk. So you really had $169.25 in risk.

To figure your profit, then what you sell for is the profit potential, and 100 - what you buy for is your profit potential. So you made $30.75.

I hope that helps.


OK Trade setups for today 02/23/15

There were no trades that I felt comfortable taking. There’s always tomorrow.


Breakdown of this. Expected range was roughly a 45 point move. At time of analysis we could only get a 20 point coverage. The strikes that I would have liked were not even printing. So moving on.


Breakdown. This was roughly a 85 point expected move. 1.5480 had no profit in it. 1.5460 was inside the close to close range so that was a no go. The lower wings were not even printing prices. So this was a no as far as trades go as well.


Breakdown. This was roughly a 80 point expected move. The two stirkes that could have been purchased were barely outside the close to close range. And they were only about 20 points in either direction from where price opened. This is not a good thing. The strikes that I would have been willing to take for this pair were not even printing. So no trade.

Trade setups for 02/24/15.

Again today I did not take one. Today was a lesson in learning to wait for your setups. I was almost ready to pull the trigger on setting up in GbpUsd and UsdChf about 5 minutes early, so 12:55. In the last 5 minutes of the bar finishing forming, there was a spike and it shifted the expected ranges to where the wings no longer covered the area that I like to see. So I am glad that I waited. You could have gotten either the upper or lower wing on both of these pairs at a respectable price. However you could not have gotten the other side for protection So i skipped all trades today.

I will not post more charts of nothing to keep space down.


Trade setups for 02/25/15.

Again was a less than stellar day. Nothing worth taking today.

Looks like a picked a great time to start a post and try and give examples. Such is life.

This is a a trade setup I had on 03/03/15 on the CHF/USD with a 11 pm for a 27 dollar spread. It did complete successfully. I want to thank Grim and Creek for their help in showing me how to do these. I added my own notes on the screen shot.

2015-03-03_1615 - davec6’s library

[quote=davec66]This is a a trade setup I had on 03/03/15 on the CHF/USD with a 11 pm for a 27 dollar spread. It did complete successfully. I want to thank Grim and Creek for their help in showing me how to do these. I added my own notes on the screen shot.

2015-03-03_1615 - davec6’s library [/quote]

Nice job Dave.

Trade setups for 3/4/15


There were no setups for this pair.


Sorry no screen shot of the price ladder. However this had one side of the trade. You could have gotten the upper strike of 1.5300 for $15. Not a bad price. Obviously would like to see if closer tot he 20/25 mark though. But the problem with this is there was nothing that I would have taken on the lower side. So this would have been a directional trade. No protection. No trade for me.


Here was the trade that I took. This was unbalanced both in strike balance and price balance. However it did work out and was successful. It was close in that last hour. I would have liked to have the next strike up on the upper wing, however there was no way to get a wiggle and get into that strike. So I took the upper where it was. The lower wing I had to set a pending order and 10 minutes after setting it I was filled.

Again this is not an ideal setup as the r/r was imbalanced and off. The upper wing could have been farther out.

Trade setups for 3/5/15


Again nothing here for this pair. This pair is always a long shot on whether there will be something there or not. But when the setup is there for this pair, it is just like going to the ATM. Or at least it has been for me.


This was another profitable trade. This trade was balanced as far as price was concerned. But as far as the wings were concerned, we were covered better to the bottom side than the top. But there was no way that you would have gotten the upper wing @ 1.5280. So I had to make a slight sacrifice there. Stops were placed for the trade as soon as orders were filled. There was a huge spike at 5:10 that I have no idea what caused it. Had this happened outside of Nadex’s EOD processing hours, then this trade would have been stopped out.


There was nothing here on this pair either.

Trade setups for 3/11/15


Nothing here worth taking


Here is the close out of the trade.

These strikes covered almost all of the range. These are the types of setups that I look for. I did enter into this trade 5 minute early. But I liked the pricing and was willing to enter a little early.

Ok, I went into this trade with a different plan. I did not set stops right away. I knew that there was news @ 2:00 that could effect this pair. So I decided I would place my stops around 3. This would allow the news to do what it wanted and then I would either close the loosing wing or it would come back and I could get both stops on. Now I will say that this is a risky thing to do. As there is no way to tell whether price will return into the range or not. But I made a plan and I traded that plan. That is all that you can do. I will say that if you are thinking about doing something like this, then you have to be willing to take the full loss…


Here is the close out of this trade.

These strikes covered all of the range and a little. This IS the type of setup that I look for. I did enter into this trade 5 minute early. But I liked the pricing and was willing to enter a little early.

I know this is an old post but I have some questions:

  1. How did you come up with the 1pm - 11pm time frame to take these trades?? And what makes this 1pm -11pm trade so great why would one want to trade that span of time, please explain.
  2. What made you change your stance on stops with the IBFs i know you were not an advocate of them for while??
  3. As far as 1 wing trades, essentially they are not directional the market just has to stay flat and it still can move 3 ways and you can still win the trade, 70% of the ITM trades I do around these times you speak of are one wing trades and I have an 80% win rate and if you’re using stops this is about a 1:1 trade anyway so its fine as long as you get as close to $25 as possible i don’t suggest taking $15 strikes on a one leg trade, furthermore if you want to call it directional fine, but it’s a high probability trade none the less at time where the market is going to be flat usually.
  4. Leggin in is great a idea not sure why say no? you can get wider setups and better pricing, no?

Look forward to your response.

Rich, nice to see your posts again. Your original IBFs posts a while back were helpful and IBFs are some of my most successful trades. For what it’s worth here are my observations based on your 3 questions. Over the past 3 months I’ve traded IBFs currencies 2:30 PM - 7 PM and 6 PM - 8 PM with 85% success rate. This is based on 200 trades. Many are 1 wing and I’ve learned stops work best, as it’s easier to recover, usually in less than 3 trades (or wings). I’m collecting approx $15 a side, but starting to get $20-$25 by legging in and willing to feel the 'heat" providing I use stops. I’ve postponed the 1 PM - 11 PM trades, seems once the Asian markets open I’ll get stopped out after 8 PM. Again, just some of my thoughts. Thanks to you and Grimnokk for your IBFs posts!

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Jeff. What pairs are you trading for the ICs? I had a lot of success with the 1-11 pm but, now I can’t get the strikes I need wide enough apart. So, could you let me know the pairs you are looking at and post an example of your set up. thanks.


If you notice this post was 37 days ago and before the increased volatility seen over past 5 wks. I’ve scaled back as I’ve been stopped out on sharp moves. Even with good strikes well outside the expected ranges. I was trading G/U, E/U, A/U, U/J and especially the EUR/GBP from 2 PM - 7 PM. Dave, I’ve seen your posts regarding IBFs and I was doing the pretty much the same, especially the 6-8 PM trades. So no new strategy.

Are you trading any IBFs? I remember you were diving into the 5-min binaries, how’s that going?

Hey Jeff. Thanks. I think I need to stick with IBs and ICs. 5 minutes does not fit my trading style. I went to them because as I mentioned I before I was having issues with getting good strike prices at the edges of the expected range. I don’t trade AU and UJ because of the Asian session being open. Prefer both markets to be closed at the end of the trade. I am going to look in to the 2-7 time period for EU, GU, Euro/pound and swiss/USD. I can leg in to the trades as I have the time to monitor the market and 85 % win is great. I did a couple of practice trades last night at 6-8 on pound and E/U just cause I wanted to make sure I still knew what I was doing. It was like riding a bike but a little wobbly. Both won, I just not use to trading 6 to 8 that’ s all.

So hows everyone doing with the 11pm expires now? pricing has been really good of late, no?

I don’t see any recent posts here about them so I thought maybe you guys stopped doing them, if anyone is still doing them let me know.

Hope all is well.


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