Market Replay in NinjaTrader - Practice seeing setups, taking entries, exits and managing trailing stops, the 4 instruction links together here

Just want bare bones instructions… Prerequisites: NinjaTrader 7 installed Apex Toolkit downloaded and installed

  1. Start NinjaTrader.
  2. Go to Tools Instrument Manager.
  3. In the search box put the name of the instrument you want to trade (e.g., NQ, YM, etc.)
  4. Press Search.
  5. Double click on the instrument.
  6. Look for the Session template drop down box.
  7. Open the drop down and select “Default 24/7” as the template.
  8. Press the left arrow button near the bottom center to move the instrument into your Default list.
  9. When done adding instruments, press OK. Steps 2 - 8 need to be done for every instrument that you trade. The steps 2 - 8 only need to be done once unless you delete your NinjaTrader database or reinstall NinjaTrader. If you’re trading Forex, you also need to include the "6"s (e.g., 6A, 6B, 6E, etc.) along with AUDUSD, USDCAD, and any other currency pairs you want to trade.
  10. From the NinjaTrader Control Center, Go to File/Utilities/Download Replay Data.
  11. If you added all of your instruments to your instrument list, click on the “Name:” drop down and select the instrument for which you want to get the replay data.
  12. Click on the Date you want the data for (you can only download one day at a time).
  13. Leave the “Download available L1 data” box checked (or check it if it isn’t). You don’t need L2 data, so you can leave it unchecked.
  14. Click "Done.” Repeat steps 1 - 4 for each day and instrument you want to replay. Note: You MUST download the data for all the instruments in your chart set for the same day(s), otherwise, your charts won’t work right. However, if you have three different charts using the same instrument, you only need to download the day’s data once, for that instrument.
  15. From the NinjaTrader control center, click File/Connect/Market Replay Connection and wait for it to connect. (Green Dot in lower left of console and a little playback console will show up.)
  16. Once the NinjaTrader control console shows, you are connected to Market Reply. Choose File/Workspace/Open and open the workspace that has your charts in it.
  17. Once your charts are COMPLETELY finished loading, press the “Play” button on the playback console. You should see the time at the top of the playback console start to move, and the price on the charts start to move, although it can take some time for chart price movement if you’ve started to playback at Midnight, which is the default.

You can speed up playback by pressing (clicking) on the double arrow key one or more times. Each time you press it, the playback speeds up. If you want to slow things down again, press the play button and it will return to 1x play speed, or press the “Pause” button to pause playback. If you’d like to start at some other time besides Midnight, once your charts are COMPLETELY loaded initially, right click on the gray area on the playback console and choose “Go To.” Enter the time you’d like playback to start at and then hit “OK”. WAIT for your charts to reload COMPLETELY, then press play. If you are using Order Prints on any of your charts and would like to begin trading at 9:30 AM ET, it is HIGHLY suggested you put your “go to” time 5, 10 or 15 minutes before market open. That way your Order Print indicator will be primed and ready to go. You can use the NinjaTrader’s “Chart Trader” feature to place orders and practice entries and exits. ATM strategies also work.