Elite Room acronyms

There’s a lot of abbreviations used around here, both in the forum and the elite room. Here’s a glossary of some of the most common:

APS - Additional Powerful Setups https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/additional-powerful-setups/12014
ATF - Apex Trader Funding https://apextraderfunding.com
ATH - All-time high
ATM - at the money https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/defining-moneyness-in-binary-options/4687

ATM - Advanced Trade Management, a feature of NinjaTrader that allows semi-automated position management https://ninjatrader.com/support/helpGuides/nt7/?advanced_trade_management_atm.htm

BE - Breakeven
bin - binary https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/articles/nadex-binaries
BJ - Basejump (a setup)
BMX - “barely missed X”, a behavior sometimes seen in the APEX Pattern https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/apex-pattern-with-bmx-explained-by-trader-craigmac-in-the-elite-room/13045

BOB - Burnout bar, referring to VAD A indicator
BOC - Breakout of chop
BTC - commonly used code for Bitcoin
Burger - MM, ZOI, MM sandwich
BW - brick wall, an important level
CBOE - Chicago Board Options Exchange https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Board_Options_Exchange
CL - crude oil futures (NYMEX®) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/energy/crude-oil/light-sweet-crude.html
CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Mercantile_Exchange

Coffee bar - A bar on a diagnostic chart that takes a long time to form and is usually divergent while forming, but usually ends up not divergent when closed. It usually happens when orders are building and price is about to break out. It is not the time to go get coffee; although, it is usually a boring bar that causes attention to lapse and peeps miss the breakout.

DC - Double clusters
DE (double eddies) - (a reference to an instance of two) Early Hidden Divergence Detector alerts https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/Early-Hidden-Divergence-Detector
Dev - deviation level https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/deviations-and-deviation-levels
DITS - deep in the spread https://apexinvesting.net/module-9/moneyness-spread-scanner-video-6-mins/
DM - Darrell Martin, CEO of Apex Investing
DM - Dynamic magnet (see also DVM) double eddies - (see “DE” above)
DTX - Double Trapped Xbox (a trade in the Sniper system)
DVM - Dynamic volume magnet, magnets obtained from the indicator of that name
Eddie - Early Hidden Divergence Signal (an indicator)
ER - Expected range (indicator) https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/expected-range-indicators
ER - Elite Room https://apexinvesting.net/elite-trade-room/
ES - CME E-mini S&P 500® Index Futures (US 500 on NADEX) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/e-mini-sandp500.html
ETX - Enhanced Trapped Xbox (a Sniper system trade) https://apexinvesting.net/sniper
EV - Expected Volume https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/expected-volume-indicator
Fed - Federal Reserve https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Reserve
FOMC - Federal Open Market Committee https://www.federalreserve.gov/faqs/about_12844.htm
GC - gold futures (COMEX®) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/metals/precious/gold.html
GM - Good morning
Hamburger - MM, ZOI, MM sandwich
HD - Hidden Divergence (illustration) https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/Early-Hidden-Divergence-Detector
HoD/LoD - high/low of the day
HVB - high volume bar, a diagnostic bar with a high total volume number from Order Prints
HVM - high volume magnet obtained by using a 10-minute chart as directed in the education https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s7-style-when-to-edit-your-system/volume-analysis

HVN - high volume node, an ICE histogram line that is long, indicating high volume at a particular price level
HVS - High volume score
IBO - Institutional Block Order which is a part of order print indicator https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/ICE
IC - Iron Condor
ICR - Institutionally Controlled Reversal setup which sometimes refers to mm level from that setup https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/iron-condors-with-nadex-spreads/12877 https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s8-strategies/iron-condors
ICE level - Apex important levels (also known as “Value Area”) https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/ICE
IMHO - In my humble opinion
IR - Institutional Range Detector https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/institutional-range-description-and-use/9561
IV - implied volatility https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/implied-volatility/514
ITM - in the money https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/defining-moneyness-in-binary-options/4687
ITS - in the spread https://apexinvesting.net/module-9/moneyness-spread-scanner-video-6-mins/
KISS - Keep It Simple System (a trading system of Apex Investing)
LOL - Laughing out loud
mm - Mini Magnet https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/apex-order-prints-terms-and-definitions/10970
MP - Markers Plus (see also TA), official name and maker of the trade assistant tool https://apexinvesting.com/automate/
MR - market replay https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/market-replay-in-ninjatrader-practice-seeing-setups-taking-entries-exits-and-managing-trailing-stops-the-4-instruction-links-together-here/12368
NQ - CME E-mini Nasdaq 100® Index Futures (US Tech 100 on NADEX) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/e-mini-nasdaq-100.html
NT - NinjaTrader, the trading software used with Apex tools https://apexinvesting.net/setting-up-ninja-trader/
NTM - near the market http://apexinvesting.net/module-9/moneyness-spread-scanner-video-6-mins/
OD - Oscillation Detector https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/oscillation-detector
ODD - Oscillation Detector Divergence (illustration) a trade in the Sniper system
OP - Order Prints https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/institutional-order-prints
OTM - out of the money https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/defining-moneyness-in-binary-options/4687
OTS - out of the spread https://apexinvesting.net/module-9/moneyness-spread-scanner-video-6-mins/
PC - Premium Collection https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/what-is-premium-part-of-a-series/3446
Power P/Power X - a Powerful Setup https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/additional-powerful-setups/12014
PP - Power Play https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s10-systems-sees/ultimate-power-play
PS - Power Sling https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/additional-powerful-setups/12014
RTY - CME E-mini Russell 2000® Index Futures (US SmallCap 2000 on NADEX) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/e-mini-russell-2000.html
RR - Red Rover, a variant of the Power Sling where a cluster is on or one tick in front of a swing level https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/additional-powerful-setups/12014
SEES - Slingshots, Elevators, (Apex Pattern) "E"s, Swing trades…an Apex system of trading https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s10-systems-sees
SOBB - star on bar before
SD - standard deviation https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/deviations-and-deviation-levels
SMH - Shaking my head
ss - screenshot https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s1-sanity-psychology/how-to-share-charts-with-other-traders
SLZ - momentum Star + Low volume score + Zone of interest (a trade in the Sniper system)
TA - Trade assistant (see also MP), tool for automating trade execution https://apexinvesting.com/automate/
TB - touchback (referring to price reversing to touch a previous level, and then continuing on in the original direction)
TBS - Third Bar Sling https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s10-systems-sees/slings
TC - Trend Catcher https://forum.apexinvesting.com/t/trend-catcher-trend-catcher-confirmation/2070
THT - traders helping traders, a phrase for unofficial help sessions and Apex philosophy in general
TF - ICE Russell 2000® Index Mini Futures (tracks same index as RTY) https://www.theice.com/products/86
TP - Take profit
TV - Total volume (number of contracts being traded)
TX - Trapped Xbox (trapped orders + exhaustion box) a component of Sniper system https://apexinvesting.net/sniper
TXF - Filtered trapped xbox, the most basic Sniper trade
TY - Thank you
VA - Value area (see “ICE level” above)
VAD A, B, C, D, E - Volume Accumulation Distribution modes A - E https://forum.apexinvesting.com/c/s6-study-apex-indicators/volume-accumulation-distribution
VS - Volume Score which is a part of Order Prints
XBT - ticker code for Bitcoin, used by CBOE for futures contracts (ISO 4217-compliant. Used by Bloomberg L.P., CNNMoney, and xe.com) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin
YM - CBOT E-mini Dow® Index Futures (Wall Street 30 on NADEX) https://www.cmegroup.com/trading/equity-index/us-index/e-mini-dow.html
YW - You’re welcome


Thanks for putting this together!

What are the rules for an RR, a Red Rover, besides a cluster at a swing level? Thanks.

To be exact the cluster needs to be right on the swing level or 1 tick above (buy) or 1 tick below ( sell). Stop can be put 2 to 3 ticks behind cluster which would be below cluster (buy) and above cluster (sell). Hope that helps

Will this entry (RR) be part of the future new scalping system mentioned by Mr. Skelton in a recent webinar?

In the webinar you were referring to we had to promise to not ask any questions about it :slight_smile: lol. But I don’t know if it will be a part of it, can’t wait for it though.

New Acronyms that will probably be shortened again. Please be sure to watch the training videos for these setups.


LVS - Low Volume Score ZOBB - Zone of Interest on Bar Before ZOI - Zone of Interest Bar TD - Triple D Setup 1
Setup 1 - Triple D Setup 2 - XBox withTrapped Order Setup 3 - MM & PAW on the same bar bouncing off existing ZOI Setup 4 - Star, LVS & ZOI Setup 5 - Star, LVS & ZOBB, with ZOI half of crash