In today’s video, I go over what components inside your machine can impact the load times of charts. I get pretty technical, but try to keep it simple, so everyone can understand the major points.
Too Long, Didn’t Watch:
RAM = How many charts you can have open.
Minimum suggested = 8 GB
CPU = How quickly your machine can run algorithms.
Minimum suggested = Pretty much anything produced within the last 5 years, unless it’s a laptop, (laptop cpu’s are built for efficiency and battery life, not heavy computing.)
HDD = How fast NinjaTrader launches & minor impacts to everything else
Just have one. Doesn’t really matter.
Network Bandwidth = How quickly you download data from data providers.
Minimum suggested = 30 Mbps or about 3 MBps
Our download speed from data providers seems to be throttled to about 1.5 Mbps
Thx. Very informative.
So lets say I clear ALL of my cache data on sundays. From what I can understand it would be a good idea to then open charts with the instruments I trade on that same sunday let all the data download and then be able to open my workspace quicker on Monday ?
Then “clear all recent cache” on Monday before opening charts. And you are set. If you skip a morning of clearing all “recent cache” you need to “clear all” instead.
If you’re a trader where buying or updating your computer isn’t an option for you right now, then you may want to consider AWS. You can check out the information at this link.