Here is what people are saying about the Sniper Trading Bootcamp See For Yourself: (This is just a small sample of 100’s of positive reviews)
Gary Duhon I been here a long time … Apex tools and systems are the best … the latest Sniper setups are so awesome… newbie or experienced the Snipers series is for you…
Ken - Great training there @Darrell and the APEX team. Love the simplicity of the set ups and taking the guesswork out of the way.
Ron - Got my first sniper trade.
Ovidio - Nice Example waooo
Christopher Wall - Finished the course. YES! This lives up to the hype. Absolutely my favorite course so far! Bravo @Darrell! Thank you APEX and community! You continue to impress!
Ron -early this morning…signed up (trades taken same day signed up)
Stephanie Graham Shannon - This is great! If you have not signed up already you are really missing out! I look forward to going through the Sniper Trading Course and attending all the upcoming webinars!
Niteowl - My daughter and her best friend are 30 years old. They are interested in learning to trade. This appears to be perfect for someone truly wanting to learn from the ground up. It’s perfect for me too, as well!!
Jason - Really high quality training. Well done DM, Lori, and even John These setups build on a lot of knowledge gained since OP came out. Pretty cool. Having options for all market conditions effing rocks.
Jack - been watching it it is SUPER FANTASTICO
Thomas - training very very good just finished
Christopher Wall - Loving this course so far. DM has set the bar high for “best course ever” from APEX. … Also the setup videos are golden.
Craig - On Setup #4. Your hard work shows Darrell. Well done.
Shaan - A huge thanks to Lori, DM, John, and Cam for putting this together… really appreciate all your time and effort
Richard - love it
Karl - I’m all in…
Marion Kuenne - Oh, I already do love it, haven’t watched all videos yet but heck these videos kept me up past my bedtime, Great job, and thank you Still watching the videos, you made it very easy to follow and very easy to continue the course. Great job so far, thank you
Aaron - Now watching setup #2. So far - I would agree is probably the best training DM has done.
Al - Good morning All - I was study and saw several times Sniper Lessons, it’s fantastic and taste how Lori’s Secret Sauce¡¡… his magic surround all this fabolous system whth the Master Touch of DM. Congrats to all , Very Good Job¡¡
Marcia - I agree Cat. The training was amazing! Thank you Lori. It was great having a little knowledge about the setups beforehand.
Ovidio Good Morning… The Best course in History!!!..Thank You Apex
eloy_gonzalez_-_Eloy This is mind blowing, it’s amazing!
From The Elite Trade Room 10:45:41 {prospero:schnulli3_-_Marion} done for today, 3 out of 3
10:45:57 {prospero:oviforex_-_Ovidio<EN>} 14 ticks profit
10:46:10 {prospero:gspauld_-_Greg<EN>} 3-0 before 10am today
10:46:24 {prospero:jasonbwhitman_-_Jason<EN>} Done for today
10:46:30 {prospero:chuckle_-_Richard<EN>} counting last nights trade 6 of 6 awesome
Darrell, 10:47 AM 5/5 winning this morning after market open in first 1:30
Tim, 10:50 AM Indeed, but the first was too fast, didn’t take it, all other 4 were winners, nice.
10:58:33 {prospero:foxworth_-_Mike<EN>} have used the master spread 4 wins…
11:25:20 {prospero:tradefinder90_-_Joshua<EN>} another 15 ticks same target is that ice level
11:34:06 {prospero:woodwright789_-_Aaron<EN>} done for the day, stopped at 3 winners. but now trading demo to get my eye used to seeing the sniper setups.
12:37:09 {phildelizza_-_Philip} that was freakn awesome
12:34:33 {chriscorogin_-_Cap’n_Chris} extremely helpful
12:34:21 {mkmutua_-_Matthew} Loved it
12:34:11 {hdtvscottf_-_Robert} Great Day-1
12:33:59 {hpsjim_-_Jim} Very helpful for sure
12:33:55 {tekoa977_-_Matt} great benefit!
12:00:16 {phoenix_rising_-_grant} and another winner…
11:13:45 {chriscorogin_-_Cap’n_Chris} The course is worth watching at least a few times. By the time I got everything set up last night I was exhaus
ted and fell asleep before I started watching the training on the setups. Now everything is set up and ready to roll, both in replay and live. tonight I am going to finish the training and practice, practice, practice in replay.
Who got that trade (Darrell in Elite Room)
10:45:05 {prospero:schnulli3_-_Marion} another 50 profit
10:45:05 {prospero:brad_mcc_-_Cat<EN>} yep
10:45:06 {prospero:davidcrisp_-_David<EN>} yep
10:45:08 {prospero:oviforex_-_Ovidio<EN>} im
10:45:09 {prospero:jwatts_-_John<EN>} Got it
10:45:11 {prospero:bigjake_-_dan<EN>} yep
10:45:13 {prospero:littlepalm_-_Tamara<EN>} y
10:45:17 {prospero:phoenix_rising_-_grant<EN>} yep’
10:45:18 {prospero:rcwhitehead1_-_Robert<EN>} yup
10:45:18 {prospero:hpsjim_-_Jim<EN>} Yes
10:45:20 {prospero:Jeff1355_-_Jeff<EN>} got it
10:45:26 {prospero:jwatts_-_John<EN>} 4 for 4
10:45:27 {prospero:ramseymlr_-_Marcia<EN>} Got it
2nd Day In Trade Room
12:40:28 {kaltrax_-_Alberto<ES>} Thanks friends, I feel very good with Sniper, Thanks a lot to DM Check Out The Profits In Just 1 Day
09:45:08 {prospero:schnulli3_-_Marion} got 12 ticks
09:45:17 {prospero:schnulli3_-_Marion} whet in a bit higher
09:45:22 {prospero:brad_mcc_-_Cat<EN>} Yep 50 bucks.
09:45:31 {prospero:hpsjim_-_Jim<EN>} Got 11
12:45:59 {prospero:jasonbwhitman_-_Jason<EN>} Got 10 on that
12:46:18 {prospero:tekoa977_-_Matt<EN>} good job
13:21:26 {prospero:sharpie_-_jack<EN>} did two ATMs up by 80 so far
13:28:04 {prospero:kaltrax_-_Alberto<ES>} 2 trades RTY 10 ticks works well same rules