Can someone explain what the closetoclose and the hit to lo expected ranges are? I don’t understand what they are supposed to do for us. Why have both instead of just one.
Looks like a legit set up, but can you explain your working order and why you put it at that price or even as a working order? Are you trying to buy here or sell here?
The close to close is the range the market normally opens at and closes within
The high to low is the highes and lowest point it normally reaches
they are just there to help give you an over view of the market conditions and what to expect. For Boomerang we use the High to low
Thanks. I was trying to sell. The procedure for the boomerang is to enter 1 tick above/below where the market is at the close of the trigger, right? In my case since I was selling I wanted it 1 tick below the 7235 close so I set the working order to 7234 with a 1:1 risk reward ratio. That being said I can’t set my price I just have to hope the price is $50 when the market gets to 7234. It could be at $45, but with the stop trigger/working order ticket I have no control over it.
The one price you can count on is that the price will be a $50 + bid/offer spread when the market hits the strike. Beyond that IV changing, time to expiration, and distance from the strike will all highly impact the price of a binary at a increased rate as expiration approaches.