Tips and Tricks for trading Institutional Zones

This indicator plots institutional zones utilizing supply and demand highs or lows from the last x period of bars and as long as the highs or lows are maintained into the future x period of bars. It accurately plots the levels on the close of the bar where all the conditions have been met and keeps broken levels for historic review. In the simplest description, these are zones that will usually need volume to push through them. There are many ways to use them, and this post will be another one of my never-ending, always-updating posts to give you some ways to utilize this fabulous Apex tool. I am looking forward to feedback from others with even more ways to use this. This is great with futures, forex, spreads and binaries!

I think a trader in the Elite room, Woodright789, worded it very well when he described his understanding of them. He said, “We know Magnets are high volume prices that “attract” future activity to that price. It helps me to think of the I-Zones as Resistance and Support areas where we can expect price to meet stronger resistance to moving further. It usually will take exceeding volume to break through the I-Zone, and often chops around for at 3-4 bars when it hits the I-Zone. When an I-Zone is combined with an ICE level and a Deviation level, then we have both a strong price magnet and price resistance area.”

To watch the training John presented CLICK HERE

Below is a great example of combining the IZ and Ice. Throw in an Apex expected volume indicator and you have total Awesome Sauce!

Through a slow morning when at first glance, not much was happening. Look closer at the 6 tick.

Then we had some market movement, switch back to 12 ticks and hit it!

Here is another morning in CL when it seemed nothing was happening…um…I disagree! Look for a solid “base” to jump from and get your scalps. The firth arrow points out a quick scalp as it was heading up to the blue ice line for a few ticks. There was not a good base there to jump from, but there was a really good indication that it was heading to that blue ice line. My thought it get on that bus, it is heading to the bank. I want to be on it!

Below is another example just a few moments later of trade taking a close below settlement, heading to the next zone for a quick 10 ticks again. Chop can be profitable if you are in the zone and put it on ice!

See also the Ice Zone post for futures/forex, spreads: CLICK HERE
See also the Ice Zone post for binaries: CLICK HERE
Training video on Ice Volume Zones CLICK HERE

Stay tuned, more information will be added …see ya in the trade rooms,



THIS IS AWSOME! Thanks Lori!

Institutional Zones Indicator

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