Hi, I was trying to find myself on Nadex for about a year. At the beginning I used paid signals and it was working but after three consecutive bad months I lost my account $1100. At this time I found Apex. I got a lot of valuable information and about 20 webinars. I found problem in management in provided signals because its provider did not know basic rules. I understood and begin to use spreads straddle (ss) and binary butterfly (bb) with Apex Calculator for almost two months BUT every day I am losing $10-20. I use it only on news plan for simplicity. 90% bb had only one side win about $20 but with even $30 stop loss I had consecutive lose. $30 stop lose bad because its on edge of market but if I was using $40-50 loss be twice more. SS looks like work better because small loss but during this time I had only 3 wins with profit about $40 because of crazy spikes. All the time its +/- $5 eaten by Fee. As it said in webinars for ss need only moving but it must be really big moving. I even try bb and ss on the same pair at the same time on news but best I did not lost. I follow step by step plan but I am losing money. I am not talking about hundred $ I just need reverse this $20 from loss to win. Everything looks good on paper but in real life its opposite. What I am doing wrong? Could you help me please?
I think you need some more tools. Instead of doing Spread Strangles, look at the Iron Condor trades on the news plan. Iron Condors are for ranging markets or for a move and then a pull back which can often happen with news.
For spreads check out this webinar Darrell did. This is for slow moving markets no news required.
if you are not an Elite paying member, you may want to consider doing a 30 day trial, learn the Power Plays in addition to the above and take your trading to the next level with Nadex.
Thank you for your respond. I was trying to do Condors but it very difficult to find good entry plus it need starting capital about $1000. I did condors on demo but had same negative result with butterfly with stop loss and Darrell suggest butterfly instead of condors because more money involved. In both cases butterfly/condor stop loss can have positive and negative result and all on the edge. What can you suggest for beginning to fill comfortable first. To many ideas just not so good too. After I read and watched about 20 webinars I completely lost my self in all this information and even forget what I did with out it. Must be something show step by step enter into this business as well as you can not go to on next level if you do not comfortable on previous. You can not do everything at the same time and try random one by one what is good. Life not enough for that. One more thing you can not do the same with acc $500 and 50K. I’ll be glad to get your suggestions. Thank you.
You could try trend trading using spreads. Again, you would need some indicators for reading the market. In which case, I recommend learning the Power Plays for Nadex spreads. Learn them by taking the Power Plays for Nadex courses. Then really look over and study all the charts posted in the forum. Make sure you really understand the requirements for each one and what they look like on a chart. Also make sure you understand how to use the Spread Scanner really well. Then request a 30 day trial. That will give you access to the toolkit and the Elite Room.
During the 30 day trial demo trade as much as you can using spreads to trade Power Plays. BE IN THE ELITE ROOM and ASK QUESTIONS AND POST YOUR CHARTS FOR REVIEW EVERY TIME YOU TRADE using the free software Jing.
When Nadex isn’t open for trading, follow Loris FastTrack plan so you practice spotting them in NinjaTrader. That may seem like a lot to do and study. However, some of it you may already have done like you said, and it will be a refresher, in which case you can begin to understand how it all fits together. Also, read the book Trading In The Zone, by Mark Douglas.
Education Path http://apexinvesting.net/power-plays-with-nadex-binariesspreads-open-house-2017/
Lori’s Fast Track
Lori’s Daily - For Studying Charts
Power Plays
Additional Powerful Setups “Additional Powerful Setups”
Oscillation Detector
Hidden Divergence Indicator
To Study Charts Go Here…
Thank you very much. I’ll try this steps because at least it show ladder. You have a lot of really valuable information but at the beginning you can sink in it. You do not know what must be first what second. I believe that a lot of newbies sunk in this ocean information try everything at the same time and did not go farther. I think if you’ll have education topic How to start with limited capital you’ll increase membership drastically. Thanks again.
Thank you too for your feedback, appreciate it!