The Ultimate Power Play using VAD A and Order prints


** To go Power trading with brick walls [Click Here] (Power Trading with "Walls") The Power Plays are actually the most advanced trades in all the SEES family. Training is in the process of being reorganized.

FOR THE COMPLETE STEP BY STEP TRAINING COURSES SEE HERE: Ultimate Power Plays with Forex / Futures: CLICK HERE Ultimate Power Plays with Nadex Binaries or Spreads: CLICK HERE

To make the most of your training process using the Fast Track CLICK HERE

BASE JUMPING SLINGS: When the price breaks a mini magnet and lays down a cluster and another mm, this is considered a base jump setup.

POWER REVERSAL: A reversal trade bouncing off a level that has a cluster. To qualify for a reversal, there must be at least 3 bars in the opposing direction. The cluster can be on the reversal bar itself or the bar just before the reversal bar. It must have either an Early Detection Hidden Divergence indicator (sometimes referred to as an Eddie) on the bar of the reversal OR an Order Print star (momentum) on the bar before the reversal bar. (The star may not be on the reversal bar itself.) In addition, it must have at least one of the following on the reversal bar itself: Apex pattern P OR Order Print X OR a Mini Magnet OR a Paw Print. The Power Reversals that go the farthest usually have very large total volume numbers when looking at Order Prints.) Summary of Requirements for Power Reversal:

  1. Reversal bar with at least 3 bars in the opposing direction.
  2. A level within one bar of reversal bar.
  3. Cluster on the reversal bar or the previous bar.
  4. EDHD on the reversal bar itself OR star on the bar before the reversal bar. These must be on the designated bars.
  5. One of the following: P or X or mini magnet or paw print on the reversal bar itself.

Four types of Power Plays

SETUP: The template that has all the indicators you need is _SEES OP. This has been modified from the original SEES template to have the trend catcher and EMA lines removed for a cleaner looking template. It also has the Order Print indicator added so that the stars (acceleration) and big volume clusters show up. Clusters are yellow on this template. Bar type is diagnostic and brick size is normally 10 on indices and commodities and normally 6 on forex. This may change if the IV is greatly higher or lower than average. When in doubt, add the bar sizer to get an idea if you are in the ballpark.

ALL of those setups MUST have ALL 4 of these components

A. CLUSTER If there is no cluster, these setups may be taken as a scalp. B. LEVEL of importance within a bar length of the price action. C. CHOP (This can show up as a very long timer bar for setups 1, 2 or 3 as this indicates very tight chop; sometimes referred to as time chop.) D. VAD A requirement met as shown for each setup.
NOTE: A “Brick Wall” makes the Power Plays even better. Click Here

#1 POWER PLAY SETUP - This works best in a slightly trending or ranging market. This is not for tight chop or strongly trending markets: A slightly higher high price with less VAD A volume than the previous high had indicates a reverse to the short side in a double top situation. There must be a cluster on the reversal bar or the bar before the reversal bar. Place entry 1 to 3 ticks below the close of the reversal bar with the stop going 1 tick above the high of the reversal bar.

Conversely, a slightly lower low price than the previous low with less Vad A volume indicates a reverse to the long side in a double bottom situation. A cluster needs to be present on the reversal bar or the bar before the reversal bar. Place entry 1 to 3 ticks above the close of the reversal bar with the stop going 1 tick below the low of the reversal bar.

Be aware also that the VAD A volume on a large trend cannot be compared to VAD A volume on a pullback that is a few bars long. That situation will always look like a reversal when it could be just taking a breather and then continue in the trend direction.

#2 POWER PLAY SETUP - This works best in a slightly trending or ranging market. This is not for tight chop or strongly trending markets: When the price puts up a lower high with VAD A showing higher volume than it was at that price level previously indicated in a double top a sell is indicated. There must be a cluster on the reversal bar or the bar before the reversal bar. Place entry 1 to 3 ticks below the close of the reversal bar with the stop going 1 tick above the high of the reversal bar.

A buy is indicated when the price puts up a higher low with VAD A showing greater volume than it was at that price level previously indicated in a double bottom. There must be a cluster on the reversal bar or the bar before it. Place entry 1 to 3 ticks above the close of the reversal bar with the stop placed 1 tick below the low of the reversal bar.

#3 POWER PLAY SETUP - TRENDING MARKET: This is called hidden divergence or HD, it indicates a continuation of the current trend direction. Look for this setup while in a clear trend.

In an up trend the retrace price goes to a higher low and VAD A shows a lot more volume. A cluster needs to appear within a few bars. The entry here is 1 to 3 ticks above the high of the first up-close bar after the retrace. The stop is placed a tick below the low of that same bar.

In a down trend the retrace price is a lower high, but VAD A shows higher volume than the previous retrace. The entry in this setup is 1 to 3 ticks below the low of the first down-close bar after the retrace. The stop placement is 1 tick above the high of that same down-close bar.

#4 POWER PLAY SETUP - A CHOPPING MARKET: Breakout when the market has lapsed into tight chop or coil chop** with VAD A telling you when it will break out. Tight chop means no more than three bars in one direction before it switches direction. Coil chop means each successive bar closing the opposite direction. For example, one bar closes up, the next closes down, the next bar closes up, the next closes down. To be a valid breakout power play, a cluster must appear on the bar before chop started or on a bar somewhere in the chop or on the bar as it breaks out. When the breakout does happen, VAD A will be increasing gradually and exceeding the previous VAD in the direction at the break-out point. If the first VAD bar of a direction change is a tall VAD bar, this often indicates the price going in that direction will not last long. It will burn out quickly; thus, we call it a burn-out VAD bar. The power play breakout will almost always be after a fake breakout where it either had small VAD A volume, yet it broke through the chop box slightly OR a bar suddenly had crazy big VAD volume and breaks out only to burn out shortly after it broke through the chop box. The entry for a power play going “long” is 1 to 3 ticks above the high of the chop box or if your major level is just a few ticks above the chop box, place the order 1 to 3 ticks above the level. Stop is placed about 20 ticks below the entry. For a breakout going “short,” the entry is 1 to 3 ticks below the chop box or if your major level is just a few ticks below the chop box, place the order 1 to 3 ticks below the level if the level is just under the “box.” The stop would go about 20 ticks above the entry.

Sometimes Order Prints can be used as a backup if VAD is unclear. In this screenshot, VAD was building but not yet exceeding as the price broke out of the chop box after a fake break. Order prints provided the extra confirmation.

SECONDARY ENTRIES: If you miss the power play entry and it takes off without you, but you clearly identified a Power Play, catch the secondary entries that include the powerful setups (Click Here to view the Powerful Setups) and the SEES entries E’s, elevators, touchbacks, swings and slings immediately following the missed Power Play. If the trend takes off for a significant run, look at the pullbacks for the hidden divergence entries also. If you are not familiar with the secondary entries, you can check out the full SEES training course to learn about the multiple types of entries that can all be done on this SEES chart. (Click Here to go to basic SEES entries)

COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS: As soon as you have a cluster, you have a trade. NO. The cluster is a heads up that there MAY be a power play trade coming.

TIPS TO SEE THE ENTRIES: Using a mechanical approach to look for trades may help when you hear that cluster alert as indicated here:
The cluster alert goes off, its time determine what type of market you are in. Is the market trending, nontrending or chop? This will determine which type of power play to look for. Once the appropriate type of power play setup is determined, look for the other three components to the Power Play.

  1. Are you near a significant level?
  2. Has there been chop already? If not, wait and watch for chop. Remember, a long bar timer can show chop within a single bar.
  3. Then watch VAD for the requirements as listed in each Power Play setup.

What is a combo entry for a futures entry? A combination entry is when two contract orders are placed with one order. The entry is the same on both contracts, but the stops are set 1 or 2 ticks apart. One entry is used for a scalp entry protecting tighter, usually protecting 10 ticks when you have a positive 12 ticks of profit. When you bring your stop up to protect the 10 ticks on the scalp, bring the stop for the trend entry up to break even (BE) plus 1 tick. This allows you to pay for the trade in case it comes back and goes against you. Give the trend entry more room when trailing.

How do I know which template is what? _SEES OP with OD is the full blown SEES template with Order Prints (OP) and Oscillation detector (OD) with the classic greenish background.
_SEES OP with OD grey is the grey background version of the same one as above.
_SEES OP is SEES template with Order Prints. It has not Oscillation detector (OD). It has the greenish background color.
_SEES OP Simple has a grey background with OP, but a few indicators are removed to make it simpler if all the levels are confusing to you. No OD on this one either.
_order prints standard is the template that has all the order print information printing on it for a very detailed OP picture.

IF I add Order Prints to a chart, what are the changes I need to make for it to work correctly on a template of my own? This screenshot shows the settings as they are in any Sees OP template.

Powerful Setups - more power entries Click Here VAD Forum section Click Here
Institutional Ranges (IR) Click Here
Order Prints Click Here Power trading with Brick Walls Click Here


Thanks Lori, for the cheat sheet and rules for the power plays:smiley:

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Many thanks for a first rate video!

Since you say that comments are helpful, may I just point out that while your mouse arrow is apparently visible during the life webinar – at min 18+ the audience indicates that it can see your pointer – it does not appear at any time in the recorded video available on Youtube, which makes it particularly difficult to follow the discussion, especially during the Q&A session.

The disappearing pointer is a fairly consistent feature of educational webinars at Apex, which to someone like myself, who never ceases to be amazed at the high level of sophisticated technology that all of you at Apex manage, would seem to be a fairly easy thing to fix, especially in view of the added value a visible pointer provides to your invaluable explanations.

Thanks again

How about the P, A, E, & X letters that show up on the charts? What are those?

Those are the letters from the APEX pattern. They are not used a lot in the Power Plays, but they were used a lot in the basic SEES, so a lot of peeps like to see which color the pattern currently is and many take the P and E when they have stars. That is why they are on the template, but they don’t have a lot of bearing on the actual Power Plays.

Hey Gary…where is the cheat sheet for the powerplays? Is there a link for that?

Thanks so much for you help…


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Hello All, I am a newbie Trader (sure you’ve heard that before…lol) who is taking advantage of the Open House. I have watched all of the videos and am very excited about the Ultimate Power Play system. I will primarily be using Nadex as my platform for taking trades. My question is: How long does it usualy take for a trade set up in this system? I also usually trade the eveing sessions, but last eve it seemed as if a trade never did set up for a Nadex trade. From what I recall, one must also have a Cluster set up before entering Nadex trades.
Just wondering if it normaly takes quite a while for these setups to occur. Thanks in advance for your input!

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Is it valid to compare VAD A from when the market is open to when it is closed? Shouldn’t that skew the volume comparisons?

I noticed in the course video on trade setup 3 that John was comparing a pullback of two/three bars against a pullback of eight/nine bars. In the case of setup 3 does the comparison of leg lengths not matter as it does in setups 1 and 2?

On HD, John does not look at the lengths of the pullback. I tend to compare the sizes a bit more.

Gregorious, are you still trading the 5 min binaries? Many good previous posts regarding them. Thanks.

Jeff, I no longer trade Nadex