You could try trend trading using spreads. Again, you would need some indicators for reading the market. In which case, I recommend learning the Power Plays for Nadex spreads. Learn them by taking the Power Plays for Nadex courses. Then really look over and study all the charts posted in the forum. Make sure you really understand the requirements for each one and what they look like on a chart. Also make sure you understand how to use the Spread Scanner really well. Then request a 30 day trial. That will give you access to the toolkit and the Elite Room.
During the 30 day trial demo trade as much as you can using spreads to trade Power Plays. BE IN THE ELITE ROOM and ASK QUESTIONS AND POST YOUR CHARTS FOR REVIEW EVERY TIME YOU TRADE using the free software Jing.
When Nadex isn’t open for trading, follow Loris FastTrack plan so you practice spotting them in NinjaTrader. That may seem like a lot to do and study. However, some of it you may already have done like you said, and it will be a refresher, in which case you can begin to understand how it all fits together.
Also, read the book Trading In The Zone, by Mark Douglas.