Feedback from a person who knew nothing about trading:
I thought it would be helpful to post my experiences as a person who is absolutely new to the world of financial trading. Like many who may be new and either who are members or taking part in a two week free trial as I did it can be overwhelming…
Can’t tell you how many times during my trial I said to myself that this stuff was way beyond my abilities and knowledge levels. I mean look at Marilyns Charts how could anyone process that much information and actually comprehend what it means or how it is to be used ***(But you can and you will if you stick with it)***. I have always been a creative type so how could I possibly think that I could be a financial trader. Well I stuck with it and followed what Darrell Martin shares in his video’s. That if you put in the time and go through all the videos, spend time in the trading room, ask questions, you will be able to learn how to be a trader. Now as a “Newbie” I am no where new the level of trading knowledge and abilities of many people who are a part of Apex Investing and a part of the trading room and I am blessed with the fact that I have time that a lot of people do not, so I appreciate that the learning curve does take time each day. But each day I am gaining more and more knowledge and understanding more and more about how these systems work and how to apply what I am learning to the markets, and trade execution. And also learning how to use these tools to assess higher probablitity trades that have the foundation for being a successful and profitable trade. So this is my world hee hee!!! What I have done to help myself learn to be a trader and it has been fun, not easy by any means, but my work is paying off and their are many people here at Apex who give freely of themselves to help us all be better!!!
So this is what I do each day to help myself be a better trader:
I always attend the trading room everyday, then also print out the parts of the trading room discussion and charts, all charts from every trader and the chat that is uselful and focus’s on trading. Then I - print all the charts, then I review them to learn from others who executed successful trades and review why they were successful, and how they read the market and used the rules and system, then I review my trades and mark up my charts and see where I made good trades and also poor choices (100% of the time the poor choices are my error not the system or Apex rules!!!). I collect all my charts and discussion print outs and put them in a daily binder where I also keep all the print outs from Lori and Darrells forum posts (These are me cheat sheets during the day) I will also correlate certain comments from the room from Marilyn, Lori, TJ Yogi. Darrell etc to specific charts and discussions like setting magnets, dev levels etc so that I can review those charts with the coaching I received in relation to my questions. Then I write down my questions for the next day in the room and then on weekends I review videos, search the forum for info and again review my binder that I put all the info in from the trading week. And I also do replay on the weekends as I am really challenged in order entry not quick enough, and also learning how to process a lot of different pieces of info the puzzle to get a whole view of the market and to see if all the pieces align for a good trade with probability of success. But lets be honest I have more time then most people on my hands so I have that luxury because of some personal challenges to have time on my side and not have a job that I must also fit into the mix. So I am more impressed with those that have jobs and can still manage to det in here and to great work!!!
So if you are a “NEWBIE” like me stick with it I promise it will get easier and then one day you will look at Marilyn’s CL Elite Chart and actually understand what all that stuff means and how it will keep you in good trades, and out of bad ones and in the end make money which is what we all want to be successful!!! So blessings to you all!!!
Well done Leah. I’ve been noticing your trading journey over the past month or so and you’ve been growing rapidly. Lots of hard work coupled with the help of the trader community and instructors. I wish you continued success as you move forward.
i am a newbie to apex investing… when i start browsing site and forum… i am overwhelmed with lots of videos, materials, discussions… its good in a way that it is very active and lot of ppl out there to ask questions and get help… at the same time it has lots and lots of info… for example, there are many trading strategies, system… and not sure where to start and focus… also not sure which trading system is better or when to use what?..
so it would be better if someone let me know (a link if it is already addressed) which system to start with and comparison b/w many apex trading systems available?.. so that i can choose one which suits my plan…
btw, i 'm using “Nadex” trading account… so i assume whatever is mentioned as “Ninja”… it is for different trading account and i can not use it in Nadex - is that correct?..
Thanks Leah for the reply.
I have only Nadex trading account and intend to do Binary trading. The basic question i have after completed couple of training courses (trend catcher and sharp shooter) is where do i see the charts?.. do i need to install ninja trader software ?.. does it mean i need ninja trader brokerage account as well?..
If you plan to trade binaries on Nadex and use the systems that Apex offers then you will need to download the Ninja Trader platform and install the Apex toolkit to load charts. Once you have both of those installed you can open Ninja and start loading any charts using Apex indicators and templates. You don’t need a Ninja Trader brokerage account if you plan to trade just binaries. There are also some charts up in the Elite trade room that can be used to trade.
Vad, glad to hear that you got Ninja and data all set up !
I would recommend to all new traders with Nadex that they start with Nadex Spreads.
Yes, there is a lot on the website to go through , so I am going to give you a list of links here where I would recommend you start:
First of all to learn spreads, watch the “In’s and out’s of Nadex Spreads” : Webinar- The In’s and Out’s of Nadex Spreads
using The Apex Spread Scanner is vital for trading spreads, you can learn more about it here:
Quick Start video and step by step advanced videos for after you have set it up and are using the basics:
From there start trading in demo, ask questions in the Forum, and make sure to be in the live trading Rooms to ask questions and learn as well.
I always recommend spreads to new traders. But, if you are set on trading binaries I would learnt he Sharpshooter system:
You are such an inspiration for a newbie like me. It is slowly beginning to click. My question, how do you do replay during the weekend? Can’t find this in NT.